Additional modules#
Metaclass Module#
pyrenew helper classes
- class Model(**kwargs)[source]#
Abstract base class for models
- kernel = None#
- mcmc = None#
- posterior_predictive(rng_key=None, numpyro_predictive_args={}, **kwargs)[source]#
A wrapper of
to generate posterior predictive samples.- Parameters:
rng_key (
, optional) – Random key for the Predictive function call. Defaults to None.numpyro_predictive_args (
, optional) – Dictionary of arguments to be passed to thenumpyro.infer.util.Predictive
constructor.**kwargs – Additional named arguments passed to the
method ofnumpyro.infer.util.Predictive
- Return type:
- print_summary(prob=0.9, exclude_deterministic=True)[source]#
A wrapper of
- prior_predictive(rng_key=None, numpyro_predictive_args={}, **kwargs)[source]#
A wrapper for
to generate prior predictive samples.- Parameters:
rng_key (
, optional) – Random key for the Predictive function call. Default None.numpyro_predictive_args (
, optional) – Dictionary of arguments to be passed to thenumpyro.infer.util.Predictive
constructor. Default None.**kwargs – Additional named arguments passed to the
method ofnumpyro.infer.util.Predictive
- Return type:
- run(num_warmup, num_samples, rng_key=None, nuts_args=None, mcmc_args=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Runs the model
- Parameters:
nuts_args (
, optional) – Dictionary of arguments passed to the kernel (numpyro.infer.hmc.NUTS
) constructor. Defaults to None.mcmc_args (
, optional) – Dictionary of arguments passed to the MCMC runner (numpyro.infer.mcmc.MCMC
) constructor. Defaults to None.rng_key (Array | ndarray | bool | number | bool | int | float | complex | None)
- Return type:
Convolution Utility Module#
Factory functions for
calculating convolutions of timeseries
with discrete distributions
of times-to-event using
Factories generate functions
that can be passed to
with an appropriate array to scan along.
- compute_delay_ascertained_incidence(latent_incidence, delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf, p_observed_given_incident=1)[source]#
Computes incidences observed according to a given observation rate and based on a delay interval.
- Parameters:
p_observed_given_incident (
) – The rate at which latent incident counts translate into observed counts. For example, settingp_observed_given_incident=0.001
when the incident counts are infections and the observed counts are reported hospital admissions could be used to model disease and population for which the probability of a latent infection leading to a reported hospital admission is 0.001.latent_incidence (
) – Incidence values based on the true underlying process.delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf (
) – Probability mass function of delay interval from incidence to observation, where the \(i\) h entry represents a delay of \(i\) time units, i.e.delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf[0]
represents the fraction of observations that are delayed 0 time unit,delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf[1]
represents the fraction that are delayed 1 time units, et cetera.
- Returns:
The predicted timeseries of delayed observations.
- Return type:
- daily_to_mmwr_epiweekly(daily_values, input_data_first_dow=0)[source]#
Convert daily values to MMWR epidemiological weeks.
- daily_to_weekly(daily_values, input_data_first_dow=0, week_start_dow=0)[source]#
Aggregate daily values (e.g. incident hospital admissions) into weekly total values.
- Parameters:
daily_values (
) – Daily timeseries values (e.g. incident infections or incident ed visits).input_data_first_dow (
) – First day of the week in the input timeseries daily_values. An integer between 0 and 6, inclusive (0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday). If input_data_first_dow does not match week_start_dow, the incomplete first week is ignored and weekly values starting from the second week are returned. Defaults to 0.week_start_dow (
) – The desired starting day of the week for the output weekly aggregation. An integer between 0 and 6, inclusive. Defaults to 0 (Monday).
- Returns:
Data converted to weekly values starting with the first full week available.
- Return type:
- new_convolve_scanner(array_to_convolve, transform)[source]#
Factory function to create a “scanner” function that can be used with
to construct an array via backward-looking iterative convolution.- Parameters:
array_to_convolve (
) – A 1D jax array to convolve with subsets of the iteratively constructed history array.transform (
) – A transformation to apply to the result of the dot product and multiplication.
- Returns:
A scanner function that can be used with
for convolution. This function takes a history subset array and a scalar, computes the dot product of the supplied convolution array with the history subset array, multiplies by the scalar, and returns the resulting value and a new history subset array formed by the 2nd-through-last entries of the old history subset array followed by that same resulting value.- Return type:
The following iterative operation is found often in renewal processes:
\[X(t) = f\left(m(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1)\end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d} \right) \]Where \(\mathbf{d}\) is a vector of length \(n\), \(m(t)\) is a scalar for each value of time \(t\), and \(f\) is a scalar-valued function.
Given \(\mathbf{d}\), and optionally \(f\), this factory function returns a new function that peforms one step of this process while scanning along an array of multipliers (i.e. an array giving the values of \(m(t)\)) using
- new_double_convolve_scanner(arrays_to_convolve, transforms)[source]#
Factory function to create a scanner function that iteratively constructs arrays by applying the dot-product/multiply/transform operation twice per history subset, with the first yielding operation yielding an additional scalar multiplier for the second.
- Parameters:
arrays_to_convolve (
) – A tuple of two 1D jax arrays, one for each of the two stages of convolution. The first entry in the arrays_to_convolve tuple will be convolved with the current history subset array first, the the second entry will be convolved with it second.transforms (
) – A tuple of two functions, each transforming the output of the dot product at each convolution stage. The first entry in the transforms tuple will be applied first, then the second will be applied.
- Returns:
A scanner function that applies two sets of convolution, multiply, and transform operations in sequence to construct a new array by scanning along a pair of input arrays that are equal in length to each other.
- Return type:
Using the same notation as in the documentation for
, this function aids in applying the iterative operation:\[\begin{aligned} Y(t) &= f_1 \left(m_1(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1) \end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d}_1 \right) \\ \\ X(t) &= f_2 \left( m_2(t) Y(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1)\end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d}_2 \right) \end{aligned} \]Where \(\mathbf{d}_1\) and \(\mathbf{d}_2\) are vectors of length \(n\), \(m_1(t)\) and \(m_2(t)\) are scalars for each value of time \(t\), and \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) are scalar-valued functions.
Mathematics Utilities Module#
Helper functions for doing analytical and/or numerical calculations.
- get_asymptotic_growth_rate(R, generation_interval_pmf)[source]#
Get the asymptotic per timestep growth rate for a renewal process with a given value of \(\mathcal{R}\) and a given discrete generation interval probability mass vector.
This function computes that growth rate finding the dominant eigenvalue of the renewal process’s Leslie matrix.
- get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist(R, generation_interval_pmf)[source]#
Get the asymptotic per-timestep growth rate of the renewal process (the dominant eigenvalue of its Leslie matrix) and the associated stable age distribution (a normalized eigenvector associated to that eigenvalue).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A tuple consisting of the asymptotic growth rate of the process, as jax float, and the stable age distribution of the process, as a jax array probability vector of the same shape as the generation interval probability vector.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If an age distribution vector with non-zero imaginary part is produced.
- get_leslie_matrix(R, generation_interval_pmf)[source]#
Create the Leslie matrix corresponding to a basic renewal process with the given \(\mathcal{R}\) value and discrete generation interval pmf vector.
- get_stable_age_distribution(R, generation_interval_pmf)[source]#
Get the stable age distribution for a renewal process with a given value of R and a given discrete generation interval probability mass vector.
This function computes that stable age distribution by finding and then normalizing an eigenvector associated to the dominant eigenvalue of the renewal process’s Leslie matrix.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The stable age distribution for the process, as a jax array probability vector of the same shape as the generation interval probability vector.
- Return type:
- integrate_discrete(init_diff_vals, highest_order_diff_vals)[source]#
Integrate (de-difference) the differenced process, obtaining the process values \(X(t=0), X(t=1), ... X(t)\) from the \(n^{th}\) differences and a set of initial process / difference values \(X(t=0), X^1(t=1), X^2(t=2), ... X^{(n-1)}(t=n-1)\), where \(X^k(t)\) is the value of the \(n^{th}\) difference at index \(t\) of the process, obtaining a sequence of length equal to the length of the provided highest_order_diff_vals vector plus the order of the process.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The integrated (de-differenced) sequence of values, of length n_diffs + order, where n_diffs is the number of highest_order_diff_vals and order is the order of the process.
- Return type:
Transformations Module#
This module exposes numpyro’s transformations module to the user, and defines and adds additional custom transformations
- class AbsTransform[source]#
- codomain = Positive(lower_bound=0.0)#
- domain = Real()#
- class AffineTransform(loc, scale, domain=Real())[source]#
When scale is a JAX tracer, we always assume that scale > 0 when calculating codomain.
- property codomain#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- property sign#
Sign of the derivative of the transform if it is bijective.
- class CholeskyTransform[source]#
Transform via the mapping \(y = cholesky(x)\), where x is a positive definite matrix.
- codomain = LowerCholesky()#
- domain = PositiveDefinite()#
- class ComposeTransform(parts)[source]#
- property codomain#
- property domain#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- property sign#
Sign of the derivative of the transform if it is bijective.
- class CorrCholeskyTransform[source]#
Transforms a unconstrained real vector \(x\) with length \(D*(D-1)/2\) into the Cholesky factor of a D-dimension correlation matrix. This Cholesky factor is a lower triangular matrix with positive diagonals and unit Euclidean norm for each row. The transform is processed as follows:
First we convert \(x\) into a lower triangular matrix with the following order:
\[\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ x_0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ x_1 & x_2 & 1 & 0 \\ x_3 & x_4 & x_5 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \]2. For each row \(X_i\) of the lower triangular part, we apply a signed version of class
to transform \(X_i\) into a unit Euclidean length vector using the following steps:Scales into the interval \((-1, 1)\) domain: \(r_i = \tanh(X_i)\).
Transforms into an unsigned domain: \(z_i = r_i^2\).
Applies \(s_i = StickBreakingTransform(z_i)\).
Transforms back into signed domain: \(y_i = (sign(r_i), 1) * \sqrt{s_i}\).
- codomain = CorrCholesky()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class CorrMatrixCholeskyTransform[source]#
Transform via the mapping \(y = cholesky(x)\), where x is a correlation matrix.
- codomain = CorrCholesky()#
- domain = CorrMatrix()#
- class L1BallTransform[source]#
Transforms a unconstrained real vector \(x\) into the unit L1 ball.
- codomain = L1Ball()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- class LowerCholeskyAffine(loc, scale_tril)[source]#
Transform via the mapping \(y = loc + scale\_tril\ @\ x\).
- Parameters:
loc – a real vector.
scale_tril – a lower triangular matrix with positive diagonal.
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> from numpyro.distributions.transforms import LowerCholeskyAffine >>> base = jnp.ones(2) >>> loc = jnp.zeros(2) >>> scale_tril = jnp.array([[0.3, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5]]) >>> affine = LowerCholeskyAffine(loc=loc, scale_tril=scale_tril) >>> affine(base) Array([0.3, 1.5], dtype=float32)
- codomain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class LowerCholeskyTransform[source]#
Transform a real vector to a lower triangular cholesky factor, where the strictly lower triangular submatrix is unconstrained and the diagonal is parameterized with an exponential transform.
- codomain = LowerCholesky()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class PermuteTransform(permutation)[source]#
- codomain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- class PowerTransform(exponent)[source]#
- codomain = Positive(lower_bound=0.0)#
- domain = Positive(lower_bound=0.0)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- property sign#
Sign of the derivative of the transform if it is bijective.
- class RealFastFourierTransform(transform_shape=None, transform_ndims=1)[source]#
N-dimensional discrete fast Fourier transform for real input.
- Parameters:
transform_shape – Length of each transformed axis to use from the input, defaults to the input size.
transform_ndims – Number of trailing dimensions to transform.
- property codomain: Constraint#
- property domain: Constraint#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class ReshapeTransform(forward_shape, inverse_shape)[source]#
Reshape a sample, leaving batch dimensions unchanged.
- Parameters:
forward_shape – Shape to transform the sample to.
inverse_shape – Shape of the sample for the inverse transform.
- property codomain: Constraint#
- property domain: Constraint#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- ScaledLogitTransform(x_max)[source]#
Scaled logistic transformation from the interval (0, X_max) to the interval (-infinity, +infinity).
- Parameters:
x_max (
) – Maximum value of the untransformed scale (will be transformed to +infinity).- Returns:
A composition of the following transformations: - numpyro.distributions.transforms.AffineTransform(0.0, 1.0/x_max) - numpyro.distributions.transforms.SigmoidTransform().inv
- Return type:
- class ScaledUnitLowerCholeskyTransform[source]#
Like LowerCholeskyTransform this Transform transforms a real vector to a lower triangular cholesky factor. However it does so via a decomposition
\(y = loc + unit\_scale\_tril\ @\ scale\_diag\ @\ x\).
where \(unit\_scale\_tril\) has ones along the diagonal and \(scale\_diag\) is a diagonal matrix with all positive entries that is parameterized with a softplus transform.
- codomain = ScaledUnitLowerCholesky()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- class SigmoidTransform[source]#
- codomain = UnitInterval(lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=1.0)#
- sign = 1#
- class SimplexToOrderedTransform(anchor_point=0.0)[source]#
Transform a simplex into an ordered vector (via difference in Logistic CDF between cutpoints) Used in [1] to induce a prior on latent cutpoints via transforming ordered category probabilities.
- Parameters:
anchor_point – Anchor point is a nuisance parameter to improve the identifiability of the transform. For simplicity, we assume it is a scalar value, but it is broadcastable x.shape[:-1]. For more details please refer to Section 2.2 in [1]
Ordinal Regression Case Study, section 2.2, M. Betancourt,
>>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> from numpyro.distributions.transforms import SimplexToOrderedTransform >>> base = jnp.array([0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2]) >>> transform = SimplexToOrderedTransform() >>> assert jnp.allclose(transform(base), jnp.array([-0.8472978, -0.40546507, 1.3862944]), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
- codomain = OrderedVector()#
- domain = Simplex()#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class SoftplusLowerCholeskyTransform[source]#
Transform from unconstrained vector to lower-triangular matrices with nonnegative diagonal entries. This is useful for parameterizing positive definite matrices in terms of their Cholesky factorization.
- codomain = SoftplusLowerCholesky()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class SoftplusTransform[source]#
Transform from unconstrained space to positive domain via softplus \(y = \log(1 + \exp(x))\). The inverse is computed as \(x = \log(\exp(y) - 1)\).
- codomain = SoftplusPositive(lower_bound=0.0)#
- domain = Real()#
- sign = 1#
- class StickBreakingTransform[source]#
- codomain = Simplex()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class Transform[source]#
- codomain = Real()#
- domain = Real()#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- property inv#
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- property sign#
Sign of the derivative of the transform if it is bijective.
- class UnpackTransform(unpack_fn, pack_fn=None)[source]#
Transforms a contiguous array to a pytree of subarrays.
- Parameters:
unpack_fn – callable used to unpack a contiguous array.
pack_fn – callable used to pack a pytree into a contiguous array.
- codomain = Dependent()#
- domain = RealVector(Real(), 1)#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- class ZeroSumTransform(transform_ndims=1)[source]#
A transform that constrains an array to sum to zero, adapted from PyMC [1] as described in [2,3]
- Parameters:
transform_ndims (
) – Number of trailing dimensions to transform.
References [1] pymc-devs/pymc [2] [3]
- property codomain: Constraint#
- property domain: Constraint#
- forward_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shape of the forward computation, given the input shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
- inverse_shape(shape)[source]#
Infers the shapes of the inverse computation, given the output shape. Defaults to preserving shape.
Regression Module#
Helper classes for regression problems
- class GLMPrediction(name, intercept_prior, coefficient_priors, transform=None, intercept_suffix='_intercept', coefficient_suffix='_coefficients')[source]#
Generalized linear model regression predictions
- Parameters:
name (str)
intercept_prior (dist.Distribution)
coefficient_priors (dist.Distribution)
transform (t.Transform)
- predict(intercept, coefficients, predictor_values)[source]#
Generates a transformed prediction w/ intercept, coefficients, and predictor values
- Parameters:
intercept (
) – Sampled numpyro distribution generated from intercept priors.coefficients (
) – Sampled prediction coefficients distribution generated from coefficients priors.predictor_values (
) – Matrix of predictor variables (covariates) for the regression problem. Each row should represent the predictor values corresponding to an observation; each column should represent a predictor variable. You do not include values of 1 for the intercept; these will be added automatically.
- Returns:
Array of transformed predictions.
- Return type:
- sample(predictor_values)[source]#
Sample generalized linear model
- Parameters:
predictor_values (
) – Matrix of predictor variables (covariates) for the regression problem. Each row should represent the predictor values corresponding to an observation; each column should represent a predictor variable. Do not include values of 1 for the intercept; these will be added automatically. Passed as the predictor_values argument toGLMPrediction.predict()
- Return type:
- class GLMPredictionSample(prediction=None, intercept=None, coefficients=None)[source]#
A container for holding the output from GLMPrediction.sample().
- Parameters:
prediction (ArrayLike | None)
intercept (ArrayLike | None)
coefficients (ArrayLike | None)
- prediction#
Transformed predictions. Defaults to None.
- Type:
ArrayLike | None
, optional
- intercept#
Sampled intercept from intercept priors. Defaults to None.
- Type:
ArrayLike | None
, optional
- coefficients#
Prediction coefficients generated from coefficients priors. Defaults to None.
- Type:
ArrayLike | None
, optional
- coefficients: ArrayLike | None#
Alias for field number 2
- intercept: ArrayLike | None#
Alias for field number 1
- prediction: ArrayLike | None#
Alias for field number 0
MCMC Utilities Module#
Distributions Utility Module#
Utilities for working with commonly- encountered probability distributions found in renewal equation modeling, such as discrete time-to-event distributions
- reverse_discrete_dist_vector(dist)[source]#
Reverse a discrete distribution vector (useful for discrete time-to-event distributions).
- validate_discrete_dist_vector(discrete_dist, tol=1e-05)[source]#
Validate that a vector represents a discrete probability distribution to within a specified tolerance, raising a ValueError if not.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The normalized distribution array if the input is valid.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If any value in discrete_dist is negative or if the sum of the distribution does not equal 1 within the specified tolerance.