Source code for pyrenew.transformation.builtin

Built-in pyrenew transformations created using `numpyro.distributions.transforms`.

import numpyro.distributions.transforms as nt
from numpyro.distributions import constraints

[docs] def ScaledLogitTransform( x_max: float, ) -> nt.ComposeTransform: """ Scaled logistic transformation from the interval (0, X_max) to the interval (-infinity, +infinity). Parameters ---------- x_max: float Maximum value of the untransformed scale (will be transformed to +infinity). Returns ------- nt.ComposeTransform A composition of the following transformations: - numpyro.distributions.transforms.AffineTransform(0.0, 1.0/x_max) - numpyro.distributions.transforms.SigmoidTransform().inv """ return nt.ComposeTransform( [ nt.AffineTransform( 0.0, 1.0 / x_max, domain=constraints.interval(0.0, 1.0 * x_max) ), nt.SigmoidTransform().inv, ] )