Source code for pyrenew.convolve


Factory functions for
calculating convolutions of timeseries
with discrete distributions
of times-to-event using
Factories generate functions
that can be passed to
:func:`jax.lax.scan` or
with an appropriate array to scan along.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

[docs] def new_convolve_scanner( array_to_convolve: ArrayLike, transform: Callable, ) -> Callable: r""" Factory function to create a "scanner" function that can be used with :func:`jax.lax.scan` or :func:`numpyro.contrib.control_flow.scan` to construct an array via backward-looking iterative convolution. Parameters ---------- array_to_convolve : ArrayLike A 1D jax array to convolve with subsets of the iteratively constructed history array. transform : Callable A transformation to apply to the result of the dot product and multiplication. Returns ------- Callable A scanner function that can be used with :func:`jax.lax.scan` or :func:`numpyro.contrib.control_flow.scan` for convolution. This function takes a history subset array and a scalar, computes the dot product of the supplied convolution array with the history subset array, multiplies by the scalar, and returns the resulting value and a new history subset array formed by the 2nd-through-last entries of the old history subset array followed by that same resulting value. Notes ----- The following iterative operation is found often in renewal processes: .. math:: X(t) = f\left(m(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1)\end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d} \right) Where :math:`\mathbf{d}` is a vector of length :math:`n`, :math:`m(t)` is a scalar for each value of time :math:`t`, and :math:`f` is a scalar-valued function. Given :math:`\mathbf{d}`, and optionally :math:`f`, this factory function returns a new function that peforms one step of this process while scanning along an array of multipliers (i.e. an array giving the values of :math:`m(t)`) using :py:func:`jax.lax.scan`. """ def _new_scanner( history_subset: ArrayLike, multiplier: float ) -> tuple[ArrayLike, float]: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 new_val = transform( multiplier * jnp.einsum("i...,i...->...", array_to_convolve, history_subset) ) latest = jnp.concatenate( [history_subset[1:], new_val[jnp.newaxis]], axis=0 ) return latest, new_val return _new_scanner
[docs] def new_double_convolve_scanner( arrays_to_convolve: tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], transforms: tuple[Callable, Callable], ) -> Callable: r""" Factory function to create a scanner function that iteratively constructs arrays by applying the dot-product/multiply/transform operation twice per history subset, with the first yielding operation yielding an additional scalar multiplier for the second. Parameters ---------- arrays_to_convolve : tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike] A tuple of two 1D jax arrays, one for each of the two stages of convolution. The first entry in the arrays_to_convolve tuple will be convolved with the current history subset array first, the the second entry will be convolved with it second. transforms : tuple[Callable, Callable] A tuple of two functions, each transforming the output of the dot product at each convolution stage. The first entry in the transforms tuple will be applied first, then the second will be applied. Returns ------- Callable A scanner function that applies two sets of convolution, multiply, and transform operations in sequence to construct a new array by scanning along a pair of input arrays that are equal in length to each other. Notes ----- Using the same notation as in the documentation for :func:`new_convolve_scanner`, this function aids in applying the iterative operation: .. math:: \begin{aligned} Y(t) &= f_1 \left(m_1(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1) \end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d}_1 \right) \\ \\ X(t) &= f_2 \left( m_2(t) Y(t) \begin{bmatrix} X(t - n) \\ X(t - n + 1) \\ \vdots{} \\ X(t - 1)\end{bmatrix} \cdot{} \mathbf{d}_2 \right) \end{aligned} Where :math:`\mathbf{d}_1` and :math:`\mathbf{d}_2` are vectors of length :math:`n`, :math:`m_1(t)` and :math:`m_2(t)` are scalars for each value of time :math:`t`, and :math:`f_1` and :math:`f_2` are scalar-valued functions. """ arr1, arr2 = arrays_to_convolve t1, t2 = transforms def _new_scanner( history_subset: ArrayLike, multipliers: tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[ArrayLike, tuple[float, float]]: # numpydoc ignore=GL08 m1, m2 = multipliers m_net1 = t1(m1 * jnp.einsum("i...,i...->...", arr1, history_subset)) new_val = t2( m2 * m_net1 * jnp.einsum("i...,i...->...", arr2, history_subset) ) latest = jnp.concatenate( [history_subset[1:], new_val[jnp.newaxis]], axis=0 ) return latest, (new_val, m_net1) return _new_scanner
[docs] def compute_delay_ascertained_incidence( latent_incidence: ArrayLike, delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf: ArrayLike, p_observed_given_incident: ArrayLike = 1, ) -> ArrayLike: """ Computes incidences observed according to a given observation rate and based on a delay interval. Parameters ---------- p_observed_given_incident: ArrayLike The rate at which latent incident counts translate into observed counts. For example, setting ``p_observed_given_incident=0.001`` when the incident counts are infections and the observed counts are reported hospital admissions could be used to model disease and population for which the probability of a latent infection leading to a reported hospital admission is 0.001. latent_incidence: ArrayLike Incidence values based on the true underlying process. delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf: ArrayLike Probability mass function of delay interval from incidence to observation, where the :math:`i`\th entry represents a delay of :math:`i` time units, i.e. ``delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf[0]`` represents the fraction of observations that are delayed 0 time unit, ``delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf[1]`` represents the fraction that are delayed 1 time units, et cetera. Returns -------- ArrayLike The predicted timeseries of delayed observations. """ delay_obs_incidence = jnp.convolve( p_observed_given_incident * latent_incidence, delay_incidence_to_observation_pmf, mode="valid", ) return delay_obs_incidence
[docs] def daily_to_weekly( daily_values: ArrayLike, input_data_first_dow: int = 0, week_start_dow: int = 0, ) -> ArrayLike: """ Aggregate daily values (e.g. incident hospital admissions) into weekly total values. Parameters ---------- daily_values : ArrayLike Daily timeseries values (e.g. incident infections or incident ed visits). input_data_first_dow : int First day of the week in the input timeseries `daily_values`. An integer between 0 and 6, inclusive (0 for Monday, 6 for Sunday). If `input_data_first_dow` does not match `week_start_dow`, the incomplete first week is ignored and weekly values starting from the second week are returned. Defaults to 0. week_start_dow : int The desired starting day of the week for the output weekly aggregation. An integer between 0 and 6, inclusive. Defaults to 0 (Monday). Returns ------- ArrayLike Data converted to weekly values starting with the first full week available. """ if input_data_first_dow < 0 or input_data_first_dow > 6: raise ValueError( "First day of the week for input timeseries must be between 0 and 6." ) if week_start_dow < 0 or week_start_dow > 6: raise ValueError( "Week start date for output aggregated values must be between 0 and 6." ) offset = (week_start_dow - input_data_first_dow) % 7 daily_values = daily_values[offset:] if len(daily_values) < 7: raise ValueError("No complete weekly values available") weekly_values = jnp.convolve(daily_values, jnp.ones(7), mode="valid")[::7] return weekly_values
[docs] def daily_to_mmwr_epiweekly( daily_values: ArrayLike, input_data_first_dow: int = 0 ) -> ArrayLike: """ Convert daily values to MMWR epidemiological weeks. Parameters ---------- daily_values : ArrayLike Daily timeseries values. input_data_first_dow : int First day of the week in the input timeseries `daily_values`. Defaults to 0 (Monday). Returns ------- ArrayLike Data converted to epiweekly values. """ return daily_to_weekly( daily_values, input_data_first_dow, week_start_dow=6 )