Source code for pyrenew.distutil
Utilities for working with commonly-
encountered probability distributions
found in renewal equation modeling,
such as discrete time-to-event distributions
from __future__ import annotations
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
def validate_discrete_dist_vector(
discrete_dist: ArrayLike, tol: float = 1e-5
) -> ArrayLike:
Validate that a vector represents a discrete
probability distribution to within a specified
tolerance, raising a ValueError if not.
discrete_dist : ArrayLike
An jax array containing non-negative values that
represent a discrete probability distribution. The values
must sum to 1 within the specified tolerance.
tol : float, optional
The tolerance within which the sum of the distribution must
be 1. Defaults to 1e-5.
The normalized distribution array if the input is valid.
If any value in discrete_dist is negative or if the sum of the
distribution does not equal 1 within the specified tolerance.
discrete_dist = discrete_dist.flatten()
if not jnp.all(discrete_dist >= 0):
raise ValueError(
"Discrete distribution "
"vector must have "
"only non-negative "
"entries; got {}"
dist_norm = jnp.sum(discrete_dist)
if not jnp.abs(dist_norm - 1) < tol:
raise ValueError(
"Discrete generation interval "
"distributions must sum to 1 "
"with a tolerance of {}"
return discrete_dist / dist_norm
def reverse_discrete_dist_vector(dist: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike:
Reverse a discrete distribution
vector (useful for discrete
time-to-event distributions).
dist : ArrayLike
A discrete distribution vector (likely discrete time-to-event distribution)
A reversed (jnp.flip) discrete distribution vector
return jnp.flip(dist)