Developer Documentation#

Note this document is a work in progress. Contrbitions to all sections are welcome. Github Workflow —————

  • You should request reviews for pull requests from PyRenew-devs, unless you have a good reason to request reviews from a smaller group.

  • Reviews from all of PyRenew-devs are encouraged, but an approving review from a codeowner (@dylanhmorris, @damonbayer, or @gvegayon) is required before a pull request can be merged to main.

  • For CDC contributors, If your pull request has not received a review at the time of the next standup, use standup to find a reviewer.

  • External contributors should expect to receive a review within a few days of creating a pull request.

  • If you create a draft pull request, indicate what, if anything, about the current pull request should be reviewed.

  • Only mark a pull request as “ready for review” if you think it is ready to be merged. This indicates that a thorough, all-encompassing review should be given.

Installation for Developers#

  • poetry install --with dev

  • pre-commit install

Coding Conventions#

A variety of coding conventions are enforced by automated tools in continuous integration (black, isort, ruff, numpydoc-validation) via pre-commit hooks.

PyRenew Principles#

  • Variable naming conventions

    • Use the data_ prefix for (potentially) observed data.

    • Use the _rv suffix for random variables.

    • Use the observed_ for the output of sample statements where obs is a data_ prefixed object.

    • Thus, code which may reasonably written like infections = infections.sample(x, obs=infections) should instead be written observed_infections = infections_rv.sample(x, obs=data_infections).

  • Class conventions

    • Composing models is discouraged.

    • Returning anything from Model.sample is discouraged. Instead, sample from models using Predictive or our prior_predictive or posterior_predictive functions.

    • Using numpyro.deterministic within a RandomVariable is discouraged. Only use at the numpyro.deterministic Model level. If something might need to be recorded from a RandomVariable, it should be returned from the RandomVariable so it can be recorded at the Model level.

    • Using default site names in a RandomVariable is discouraged. Only use default site names at the Model level.

    • Use DeterministicVariables instead of constants within a model.

  • scan conventions

    • Use jax.lax.scan for any scan whose iterations are deterministic, i.e. iterations contain no internal calls to RandomVariable.sample() or numpyro.sample().

    • Use numpyro.scan for any scan whose the iterations are stochastic, i.e. the iterations potentially include calls to RandomVariable.sample() or numpyro.sample().

  • Multidimensional array conventions

    • In a multidimensional array of timeseries, time is always the first dimension. By default, jax.lax.scan() and numpyro.contrib.control_flow.scan() build output arrays by augmenting the first dimension, and variables are often scanned over time, making default output of scan over time sensible.

Adding Documentation to Sphinx#

The project uses Sphinx to generate documentation. Although code documentation is automatically generated by Sphinx, modules (Python source files) should be explicitly listed. To learn more about Sphinx, visit the Sphinx documentation.

New module or classes#

For example, under the ./docs/source/msei_reference, the index.rst file lists the HospitalAdmissions model by adding the following entry:

Hospital Admissions

.. automodule:: pyrenew.latent.hospitaladmissions

This entry tells Sphinx to generate documentation for the HospitalAdmissions model and its members.

New tutorials#

PyRenew tutorials are quarto documents located under ./docs/source/tutorials. Tutorials are automatically rendered using GitHub actions (see the Workflow file here).

To make the new tutorial available in the website, developers should follow these steps:

  1. Create a new quarto file in the ./docs/source/tutorials directory. For instance, the example_with_datasets.qmd file was added to the repository.

  2. Add an entry in the ./docs/source/tutorials/index.rst, for example:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
  1. Add an rst entry with the same basename as the quarto file in the ./docs/source/tutorials directory. For instance, the example_with_datasets.rst file was added to the repository. This last step can be done running the bash script ./hook_scripts/ Note the script should be executed by pre-commit.

Adding new pages#

Sphinx also allows adding arbitrary pages. For instance, all the PyRenew tutorials are additional documentation. The steps to add a new page are:

  1. Create a rst file in the appropriate directory. For example, this file about development was added under ./docs/source/developer_documentation.rst.

  2. Make sure the new rst file is included in an indexed file, for instance, ./docs/source/general/ctoc.rst. Here is how it looks:

Complete Table Of Contents

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


The last entry is the developer_documentation page.