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MIRA 1.0.0


  • Empty Illumina fastq error-handling
  • Illumina fastq reads less than 70 bases error-handling


  • MIRA version displayed in app and in IRMA summary table (along with config)
  • IRMA version bump 1.1.4
  • fixed pulp version
  • Turn off padding for S gene module
  • Packaged fastq in irma .tar.gz
  • Error fixes for single-sample runs


  • Whole-Genome SC2 Nanopore module
  • Illumina 2x75 support for Flu and SC2 whole-genome modules
  • Java instability fixed
  • New Version Checking
  • Lab protocols published on documentation website
  • Docker compose steps added to quickstart on documentation website
  • Quality control checks for S-gene specific metrics added to Whole-Genome SC2 modules
  • IRMA container V1.1.1
  • Final sorted, amended .bams included in tarball. This is in addition to the F1 .bam, which is the first iteration of alignment before reference editing.
  • Pandas version –> 1.1.0
  • Mac docs updated to show Rosetta usage in Docker Desktop
  • More thorough error and status messaging during assembly
  • Illumina sequencing for WGS SC2 and Flu
  • Auto-samplesheet building
  • Samplesheet download/upload functionality
  • Button added to refresh run listing
  • Button added to download failed fastas
  • Downloaded fasta for FLU now changes the flu segment numbers to the gene name
  • Allow numeric samplenames, and allow “-” in sample names
  • Toss broken reads for ONT fastqs
  • Return only closer Flu B reference in amino acid variants table
  • Better error handling for empty/failed nanopore barcodes
  • Indel table filtered to >20%, Minor variant table filtered to >5%
  • Archive previous run logs in the even of a re-run