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How to upgrade MIRA to the lastest version in the command line

Upagrading MIRA single container

  1. Open a terminal (Ubuntu if you installed WSL2 with this instructions, Terminal if you are using a Mac). cd to the folder with your sequence run data:

     cd ~/MIRA_NGS
  2. Remove current running MIRA container:

     docker rm -f mira
  3. Remove older MIRA image version:

     sudo docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep -e mira | tr -s " " | cut -f3 -d" ")
  4. Download the installation script from the internet:

     curl | sed "s%/path/to/data%$(pwd)/%g" > docker-compose.yml

    if you get a permissions error here, first run sudo rm docker-compose.yml then try again

  5. After you ensure that your Docker Desktop application is open, run the install script with sudo and docker compose:

     sudo docker compose up -d

Upgrading MIRA with four containers to MIRA single container

  1. Open a terminal (Ubuntu if you installed WSL2 with this instructions, Terminal if you are using a Mac). cd to the folder with your sequence run data:

  2. Remove current running MIRA containers:

     docker rm -f mira spyne irma dais
  3. Remove older MIRA image versions (or iSpy or IRMA-spy if that’s what you had installed)

     sudo docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep -e irma -e dais -e mira -e spyne | tr -s " " | cut -f3 -d" ")
  4. Download the installation script from the internet:

     curl | sed "s%/path/to/data%$(pwd)/%g" > docker-compose.yml

    if you get a permissions error here, first run sudo rm docker-compose.yml then try again

  5. After you ensure that your Docker Desktop application is open, run the install script with sudo and docker compose:

     sudo docker compose up -d