Source code for pyrenew.process.rtperiodicdiffar

# numpydoc ignore=GL08

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

import pyrenew.arrayutils as au
from pyrenew.metaclass import RandomVariable
from pyrenew.process import ARProcess, DifferencedProcess

[docs] class RtPeriodicDiffARProcess(RandomVariable): r""" Periodic Rt with autoregressive first differences Notes ----- This class samples a periodic reproduction number R(t) by placing an AR(1) process on the first differences in log[R(t)]. Formally: .. math:: \log[\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_3)] \sim \mathrm{Normal}\left(\log[\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2)] \ + \beta \left(\log[\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_2)] - \ \log[\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t_1)]\right), \sigma_r \right) where :math:`\mathcal{R}^\mathrm{u}(t)` is the periodic reproduction number at time :math:`t`, :math:`\beta` is the autoregressive parameter, and :math:`\sigma_r` is the standard deviation of the noise. """ def __init__( self, name: str, offset: int, period_size: int, log_rt_rv: RandomVariable, autoreg_rv: RandomVariable, periodic_diff_sd_rv: RandomVariable, ar_process_suffix: str = "_first_diff_ar_process_noise", ) -> None: """ Default constructor for RtPeriodicDiffARProcess class. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the site. offset : int Relative point at which data starts, must be between 0 and period_size - 1. log_rt_rv : RandomVariable Log Rt prior for the first two observations. autoreg_rv : RandomVariable Autoregressive parameter. periodic_diff_sd_rv : RandomVariable Standard deviation of the noise. ar_process_suffix : str Suffix to append to the :class:`RandomVariable`'s ``name`` when naming the :class:`RandomVariable` that represents the underlying AR process noise. Default "_first_diff_ar_process_noise". Returns ------- None """ self.validate( log_rt_rv=log_rt_rv, autoreg_rv=autoreg_rv, periodic_diff_sd_rv=periodic_diff_sd_rv, ) = name self.period_size = period_size self.offset = offset self.log_rt_rv = log_rt_rv self.autoreg_rv = autoreg_rv self.periodic_diff_sd_rv = periodic_diff_sd_rv self.ar_process_suffix = ar_process_suffix self.ar_diff = DifferencedProcess( fundamental_process=ARProcess(), differencing_order=1, ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def validate( log_rt_rv: any, autoreg_rv: any, periodic_diff_sd_rv: any, ) -> None: """ Validate the input parameters. Parameters ---------- log_rt_rv : any Log Rt prior for the first two observations. autoreg_rv : any Autoregressive parameter. periodic_diff_sd_rv : any Standard deviation of the noise. Returns ------- None """ assert isinstance(log_rt_rv, RandomVariable) assert isinstance(autoreg_rv, RandomVariable) assert isinstance(periodic_diff_sd_rv, RandomVariable) return None
[docs] def sample( self, duration: int, **kwargs, ) -> ArrayLike: """ Samples the periodic Rt with autoregressive difference. Parameters ---------- duration : int Duration of the sequence. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to internal sample() calls, should there be any. Returns ------- ArrayLike Sampled Rt values. """ # Initial sample log_rt_rv = self.log_rt_rv(**kwargs).squeeze() b = self.autoreg_rv(**kwargs).squeeze() s_r = self.periodic_diff_sd_rv(**kwargs).squeeze() # How many periods to sample? n_periods = (duration + self.period_size - 1) // self.period_size # Running the process log_rt = self.ar_diff( noise_name=f"{}{self.ar_process_suffix}", n=n_periods, init_vals=jnp.array(log_rt_rv[0]), autoreg=b, noise_sd=s_r, fundamental_process_init_vals=jnp.array( log_rt_rv[1] - log_rt_rv[0] ), ) return au.repeat_until_n( data=jnp.exp(log_rt), n_timepoints=duration, offset=self.offset, period_size=self.period_size, )
[docs] class RtWeeklyDiffARProcess(RtPeriodicDiffARProcess): """ Weekly Rt with autoregressive first differences. """ def __init__( self, name: str, offset: int, log_rt_rv: RandomVariable, autoreg_rv: RandomVariable, periodic_diff_sd_rv: RandomVariable, ) -> None: """ Default constructor for RtWeeklyDiffARProcess class. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the site. offset : int Relative point at which data starts, must be between 0 and 6. log_rt_rv : RandomVariable Log Rt prior for the first two observations. autoreg_rv : RandomVariable Autoregressive parameter. periodic_diff_sd_rv : RandomVariable Standard deviation of the noise. Returns ------- None """ super().__init__( name=name, offset=offset, period_size=7, log_rt_rv=log_rt_rv, autoreg_rv=autoreg_rv, periodic_diff_sd_rv=periodic_diff_sd_rv, ) return None