Source code for pyrenew.process.randomwalk

# numpydoc ignore=GL08

import numpyro.distributions as dist

from pyrenew.metaclass import RandomVariable
from pyrenew.process.differencedprocess import DifferencedProcess
from pyrenew.process.iidrandomsequence import IIDRandomSequence
from pyrenew.randomvariable import DistributionalVariable

[docs] class RandomWalk(DifferencedProcess): """ Class for a Markovian random walk with an arbitrary step distribution, implemented via DifferencedProcess and IIDRandomSequence """ def __init__( self, step_rv: RandomVariable, **kwargs, ): """ Default constructor Parameters ---------- name : str A name for the random variable, used to name sites within it in :meth:`numpyro.sample()` calls. step_rv : RandomVariable RandomVariable representing a single step (difference) in the random walk. **kwargs : Additional keyword arguments passed to the parent class constructor. Returns ------- None """ super().__init__( fundamental_process=IIDRandomSequence(element_rv=step_rv), differencing_order=1, **kwargs, )
[docs] class StandardNormalRandomWalk(RandomWalk): """ A random walk with standard Normal (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1) steps, implmemented via the base RandomWalk class. """ def __init__( self, step_rv_name: str, **kwargs, ): """ Default constructor Parameters ---------- step_rv_name : Name for the DistributionalVariable from which the Normal(0, 1) steps are sampled. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the parent class constructor. Return ------ None """ super().__init__( step_rv=DistributionalVariable( name=step_rv_name, distribution=dist.Normal(0.0, 1.0) ), **kwargs, )