Source code for pyrenew.process.periodiceffect

# numpydoc ignore=GL08

import pyrenew.arrayutils as au
from pyrenew.metaclass import RandomVariable

[docs] class PeriodicEffect(RandomVariable): """ Periodic effect with repeating values from a random variable. """ def __init__( self, offset: int, quantity_to_broadcast: RandomVariable, ): """ Default constructor for PeriodicEffect class. Parameters ---------- offset : int Relative point at which data starts, must be between 0 and period_size - 1. quantity_to_broadcast : RandomVariable Values to be broadcasted (repeated or tiled). Returns ------- None """ PeriodicEffect.validate(quantity_to_broadcast) self.offset = offset self.quantity_to_broadcast = quantity_to_broadcast
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(quantity_to_broadcast: RandomVariable) -> None: """ Validate the broadcasting quatity. Parameters ---------- quantity_to_broadcast : RandomVariable Values to be broadcasted (repeated or tiled). Returns ------- None """ assert isinstance(quantity_to_broadcast, RandomVariable) return None
[docs] def sample(self, duration: int, **kwargs): """ Sample from the process. Parameters ---------- duration : int Number of timepoints to sample. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to the `quantity_to_broadcast`. Returns ------- ArrayLike """ return au.tile_until_n( data=self.quantity_to_broadcast.sample(**kwargs), n_timepoints=duration, offset=self.offset, )
[docs] class DayOfWeekEffect(PeriodicEffect): """ Weekly effect with repeating values from a random variable. """ def __init__( self, offset: int, quantity_to_broadcast: RandomVariable, ): """ Default constructor for DayOfWeekEffect class. Parameters ---------- offset : int Relative point at which data starts, must be between 0 and 6. quantity_to_broadcast : RandomVariable Values to be broadcasted (repeated or tiled). Returns ------- None """ DayOfWeekEffect.validate(offset) super().__init__( offset=offset, quantity_to_broadcast=quantity_to_broadcast, ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def validate( offset: int, ): """ Validate the input parameters. Parameters ---------- offset : int Relative point at which data starts, must be between 0 and 6. Returns ------- None """ assert isinstance(offset, int), "offset must be an integer." assert 0 <= offset <= 6, "offset must be between 0 and 6." return None