Source code for pyrenew.model.rtinfectionsrenewalmodel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# numpydoc ignore=GL08

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import NamedTuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpyro as npro
import pyrenew.arrayutils as au
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from pyrenew.deterministic import NullObservation
from pyrenew.metaclass import Model, RandomVariable, _assert_sample_and_rtype

# Output class of the RtInfectionsRenewalModel
[docs] class RtInfectionsRenewalSample(NamedTuple): """ A container for holding the output from `model.RtInfectionsRenewalModel.sample()`. Attributes ---------- Rt : ArrayLike | None, optional The reproduction number over time. Defaults to None. latent_infections : ArrayLike | None, optional The estimated latent infections. Defaults to None. observed_infections : ArrayLike | None, optional The sampled infections. Defaults to None. """ Rt: ArrayLike | None = None latent_infections: ArrayLike | None = None observed_infections: ArrayLike | None = None def __repr__(self): return ( f"RtInfectionsRenewalSample(" f"Rt={self.Rt}, " f"latent_infections={self.latent_infections}, " f"observed_infections={self.observed_infections})" )
[docs] class RtInfectionsRenewalModel(Model): """ Basic Renewal Model (Infections + Rt) The basic renewal model consists of a sampler of two steps: Sample from Rt and then used that to sample the infections. """ def __init__( self, latent_infections_rv: RandomVariable, gen_int_rv: RandomVariable, I0_rv: RandomVariable, Rt_process_rv: RandomVariable, infection_obs_process_rv: RandomVariable = None, ) -> None: """ Default constructor Parameters ---------- latent_infections_rv : RandomVariable Infections latent process (e.g., pyrenew.latent.Infections.). gen_int_rv : RandomVariable The generation interval. I0_rv : RandomVariable The initial infections. Rt_process_rv : RandomVariable The sample function of the process should return a tuple where the first element is the drawn Rt. infection_obs_process_rv : RandomVariable Infections observation process (e.g., pyrenew.observations.Poisson.). Returns ------- None """ if infection_obs_process_rv is None: infection_obs_process_rv = NullObservation() RtInfectionsRenewalModel.validate( gen_int_rv=gen_int_rv, I0_rv=I0_rv, latent_infections_rv=latent_infections_rv, infection_obs_process_rv=infection_obs_process_rv, Rt_process_rv=Rt_process_rv, ) self.gen_int_rv = gen_int_rv self.I0_rv = I0_rv self.latent_infections_rv = latent_infections_rv self.infection_obs_process_rv = infection_obs_process_rv self.Rt_process_rv = Rt_process_rv
[docs] @staticmethod def validate( gen_int_rv: any, I0_rv: any, latent_infections_rv: any, infection_obs_process_rv: any, Rt_process_rv: any, ) -> None: """ Verifies types and status (RV) of the generation interval, initial infections, latent and observed infections, and the Rt process. Parameters ---------- gen_int_rv : any The generation interval. Expects RandomVariable. I0_rv : any The initial infections. Expects RandomVariable. latent_infections_rv : any Infections latent process. Expects RandomVariable. infection_obs_process_rv : any Infections observation process. Expects RandomVariable. Rt_process_rv : any The sample function of the process should return a tuple where the first element is the drawn Rt. Expects RandomVariable. Returns ------- None See Also -------- _assert_sample_and_rtype : Perform type-checking and verify RV """ _assert_sample_and_rtype(gen_int_rv, skip_if_none=False) _assert_sample_and_rtype(I0_rv, skip_if_none=False) _assert_sample_and_rtype(latent_infections_rv, skip_if_none=False) _assert_sample_and_rtype(infection_obs_process_rv, skip_if_none=False) _assert_sample_and_rtype(Rt_process_rv, skip_if_none=False) return None
[docs] def sample( self, n_timepoints_to_simulate: int | None = None, data_observed_infections: ArrayLike | None = None, padding: int = 0, **kwargs, ) -> RtInfectionsRenewalSample: """ Sample from the Basic Renewal Model Parameters ---------- n_timepoints_to_simulate : int, optional Number of timepoints to sample. data_observed_infections : ArrayLike | None, optional Observed infections. Defaults to None. padding : int, optional Number of padding timepoints to add to the beginning of the simulation. Defaults to 0. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments passed through to internal sample() calls, if any Notes ----- Either `data_observed_infections` or `n_timepoints_to_simulate` must be specified, not both. Returns ------- RtInfectionsRenewalSample """ if ( n_timepoints_to_simulate is None and data_observed_infections is None ): raise ValueError( "Either n_timepoints_to_simulate or data_observed_infections " "must be passed." ) elif ( n_timepoints_to_simulate is not None and data_observed_infections is not None ): raise ValueError( "Cannot pass both n_timepoints_to_simulate and data_observed_infections." ) elif n_timepoints_to_simulate is None: n_timepoints = len(data_observed_infections) else: n_timepoints = n_timepoints_to_simulate # Sampling from Rt (possibly with a given Rt, depending on # the Rt_process (RandomVariable) object.) Rt, *_ = self.Rt_process_rv.sample( n_timepoints=n_timepoints, **kwargs, ) # Getting the generation interval gen_int, *_ = self.gen_int_rv.sample(**kwargs) # Sampling initial infections I0, *_ = self.I0_rv.sample(**kwargs) # Sampling from the latent process post_seed_latent_infections, *_ = self.latent_infections_rv.sample( Rt=Rt, gen_int=gen_int, I0=I0, **kwargs, ) if data_observed_infections is not None: data_observed_infections = data_observed_infections[padding:] observed_infections, *_ = self.infection_obs_process_rv.sample( mu=post_seed_latent_infections[padding:], obs=data_observed_infections, **kwargs, ) all_latent_infections = jnp.hstack([I0, post_seed_latent_infections]) npro.deterministic("all_latent_infections", all_latent_infections) observed_infections = au.pad_x_to_match_y( observed_infections, all_latent_infections, jnp.nan, pad_direction="start", ) Rt = au.pad_x_to_match_y( Rt, all_latent_infections, jnp.nan, pad_direction="start", ) return RtInfectionsRenewalSample( Rt=Rt, latent_infections=all_latent_infections, observed_infections=observed_infections, )