Pyrenew demo

Pyrenew demo#

This demo simulates a basic renewal process data and then fits it using pyrenew.

You’ll need to install pyrenew using either poetry or pip. To install pyrenew using poetry, run the following command from within the directory containing the pyrenew project:

poetry install

To install pyrenew using pip, run the following command:

pip install git+

To begin, run the following import section to call external modules and functions necessary to run the pyrenew demo. The import statement imports the module and the as statement renames the module for use within this script. The from statement imports a specific function from a module (named after the .) within a package (named before the .).

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from numpyro.handlers import seed
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from pyrenew.process import SimpleRandomWalkProcess

To understand the simple random walk process underlying the sampling within the renewal process model, we first examine a single random walk path. Using the sample method from an instance of the SimpleRandomWalkProcess class, we first create an instance of the SimpleRandomWalkProcess class with a normal distribution of mean = 0 and standard deviation = 0.0001 as its input. Next, the with statement sets the seed for the random number generator for the n_timepoints of the block that follows. Inside the with block, the q_samp = q.sample(n_timepoints=100) generates the sample instance over a n_timepoints of 100 time units. Finally, this single random walk process is visualized using matplot.pyplot to plot the exponential of the sample instance.

q = SimpleRandomWalkProcess(dist.Normal(0, 0.001))
with seed(rng_seed=np.random.randint(0, 1000)):
    q_samp = q.sample(n_timepoints=100)



Next, import several additional functions from the latent module of the pyrenew package to model infections and hospital admissions.

from pyrenew.latent import (
from pyrenew.metaclass import DistributionalRV

Additionally, import several classes from Pyrenew, including a Poisson observation process, determininstic PMF and variable classes, the Pyrenew hospitalization model, and a renewal model (Rt) random walk process:

from pyrenew.observation import PoissonObservation
from pyrenew.deterministic import DeterministicPMF, DeterministicVariable
from pyrenew.model import HospitalAdmissionsModel
from pyrenew.process import RtRandomWalkProcess
from pyrenew.latent import InfectionSeedingProcess, SeedInfectionsZeroPad
import pyrenew.transformation as t

To initialize the model, we first define initial conditions, including:

  1. deterministic generation time, defined as an instance of the DeterministicPMF class, which gives the probability of each possible outcome for a discrete random variable given as a JAX NumPy array of four possible outcomes

  2. initial infections at the start of the renewal process as a log-normal distribution with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1. Infections before this time are assumed to be 0.

  3. latent infections as an instance of the Infections class with default settings

  4. latent hospitalization process, modeled by first defining the time interval from infections to hospitalizations as a DeterministicPMF input with 18 possible outcomes and corresponding probabilities given by the values in the array. The HospitalAdmissions function then takes in this defined time interval, as well as defining the rate at which infections are admitted to the hospital due to infection, modeled as a log-normal distribution with mean = jnp.log(0.05) and standard deviation = 0.05.

  5. hospitalization observation process, modeled with a Poisson distribution

  6. an Rt random walk process with default settings

# Initializing model components:

# 1) A deterministic generation time
pmf_array = jnp.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
gen_int = DeterministicPMF(pmf_array, name="gen_int")

# 2) Initial infections
I0 = InfectionSeedingProcess(
    DistributionalRV(dist=dist.LogNormal(0, 1), name="I0"),

# 3) The latent infections process
latent_infections = Infections()

# 4) The latent hospitalization process:

# First, define a deterministic infection to hosp pmf
inf_hosp_int = DeterministicPMF(
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.05]

latent_admissions = HospitalAdmissions(
        dist=dist.LogNormal(jnp.log(0.05), 0.05), name="IHR"

# 5) An observation process for the hospital admissions
admissions_process = PoissonObservation()

# 6) A random walk process (it could be deterministic using
# pyrenew.process.DeterministicProcess())
Rt_process = RtRandomWalkProcess(
    Rt0_dist=dist.TruncatedNormal(loc=1.2, scale=0.2, low=0),
    Rt_rw_dist=dist.Normal(0, 0.025),

The HospitalAdmissionsModel is then initialized using the initial conditions just defined:

# Initializing the model
hospmodel = HospitalAdmissionsModel(

Next, we sample from the hospmodel for 30 time steps and view the output of a single run:

with seed(rng_seed=np.random.randint(1, 60)):
    x = hospmodel.sample(n_timepoints_to_simulate=30)
/home/runner/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/pyrenew-ay_vsbmF-py3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/jax/_src/numpy/ FutureWarning: None encountered in jnp.array(); this is currently treated as NaN. In the future this will result in an error.
  return array(arys[0], copy=False, ndmin=1)
HospModelSample(Rt=[      nan       nan       nan       nan 1.1791104 1.1995267 1.1772177
 1.1913829 1.2075942 1.1444623 1.1514508 1.1976782 1.2292639 1.1719677
 1.204649  1.2323451 1.2466507 1.2800207 1.2749145 1.2520573 1.2094396
 1.2097179 1.2193931 1.2033775 1.1814811 1.2079672 1.1847589 1.1989986
 1.1871533 1.2152797 1.2211653 1.2328914 1.2036034 1.1977075], latent_infections=[0.         0.         0.         0.17688063 0.05214045 0.06867922
 0.08761451 0.11476436 0.09757317 0.10547114 0.1167062  0.13010225
 0.13824694 0.14372033 0.15924728 0.17601486 0.19236736 0.21483542
 0.23664482 0.2566287  0.27226794 0.29649484 0.32375994 0.34571573
 0.36573884 0.4021653  0.42573714 0.4614217  0.4912034  0.5409598
 0.58595234 0.6409609  0.679758   0.73288655], infection_hosp_rate=[0.04929917], latent_hosp_admissions=[0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.
 0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.
 0.         0.         0.         0.         0.00218002 0.00500265
 0.0030037  0.0039018  0.00460574 0.0049305  0.00487205 0.00530097
 0.00576412 0.00624666 0.00665578 0.00711595 0.0078055  0.00854396
 0.00939666 0.01042083 0.01143744 0.01238137], observed_hosp_admissions=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]

Visualizations of the single model output show (top) infections over the 30 time steps, (middle) hospital admissions over the 30 time steps, and observed hospital admissions (bottom)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True)
ax[0].set_ylim([1 / 5, 5])
ax[2].plot(x.observed_hosp_admissions, "o")
for axis in ax[:-1]:


To fit the hospmodel to the simulated data, we call, an MCMC algorithm, with the arguments generated in hospmodel object, using 1000 warmup stepts and 1000 samples to draw from the posterior distribution of the model parameters. The model is run for len(x.sampled)-1 time steps with the seed set by jax.random.PRNGKey()

# from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS

Print a summary of the model:

                                 mean       std    median      5.0%     95.0%     n_eff     r_hat
                         I0      0.82      0.79      0.60      0.02      1.70   1087.18      1.00
                        IHR      0.05      0.00      0.05      0.05      0.05   1724.84      1.00
                        Rt0      1.10      0.17      1.10      0.83      1.40   1611.03      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[0]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.05      0.04   1744.02      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[1]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2643.43      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[2]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1853.81      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[3]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1673.03      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[4]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.03   2064.48      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[5]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2023.50      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[6]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   2347.11      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[7]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2079.08      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[8]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.05      0.04   1651.35      1.00
 Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[9]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2218.48      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[10]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2533.24      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[11]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1447.84      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[12]      0.00      0.02      0.00     -0.04      0.03   1816.49      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[13]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1863.06      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[14]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1667.84      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[15]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1778.66      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[16]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1531.03      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[17]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1649.99      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[18]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2350.43      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[19]      0.00      0.02      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1262.52      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[20]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1480.42      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[21]     -0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1695.73      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[22]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1981.87      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[23]     -0.00      0.03     -0.00     -0.05      0.04   1953.70      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[24]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1661.00      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[25]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   2466.03      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[26]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1715.96      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[27]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1338.85      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[28]     -0.00      0.02     -0.00     -0.04      0.04   1712.51      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[29]      0.00      0.02      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1509.81      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[30]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1627.71      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[31]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.04   1354.97      1.00
Rt_transformed_rw_diffs[32]      0.00      0.03      0.00     -0.04      0.05   1637.27      1.00

Number of divergences: 0

Next, we will use the spread_draws function from the pyrenew.mcmcutils module to process the MCMC samples. The spread_draws function reformats the samples drawn from the mcmc.get_samples() from the hospmodel. The samples are simulated Rt values over time.

from pyrenew.mcmcutils import spread_draws

samps = spread_draws(hospmodel.mcmc.get_samples(), [("Rt", "time")])

We visualize these samples below, with individual possible Rt estimates over time shown in light blue, and the overall mean estimate Rt shown in dark blue.

import numpy as np
import polars as pl

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[4, 5])

samp_ids = np.random.randint(size=25, low=0, high=999)
for samp_id in samp_ids:
    sub_samps = samps.filter(pl.col("draw") == samp_id).sort(pl.col("time"))
ax.set_ylim([0.4, 1 / 0.4])
ax.set_yticks([0.5, 1, 2])
