Source code for pyrenew.math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Helper functions for doing analytical
and/or numerical calculations about
a given renewal process.

from __future__ import annotations

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
from pyrenew.distutil import validate_discrete_dist_vector

[docs] def get_leslie_matrix( R: float, generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike ) -> ArrayLike: """ Create the Leslie matrix corresponding to a basic renewal process with the given R value and discrete generation interval pmf vector. Parameters ---------- R : float The reproduction number of the renewal process generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike The discrete generation interval probability mass vector of the renewal process Returns ------- ArrayLike The Leslie matrix for the renewal process, as a jax array. """ validate_discrete_dist_vector(generation_interval_pmf) gen_int_len = generation_interval_pmf.size aging_matrix = jnp.hstack( [ jnp.identity(gen_int_len - 1), jnp.zeros(gen_int_len - 1)[..., jnp.newaxis], ] ) return jnp.vstack([R * generation_interval_pmf, aging_matrix])
[docs] def get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist( R: float, generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike ) -> tuple[float, ArrayLike]: """ Get the asymptotic per-timestep growth rate of the renewal process (the dominant eigenvalue of its Leslie matrix) and the associated stable age distribution (a normalized eigenvector associated to that eigenvalue). Parameters ---------- R : float The reproduction number of the renewal process generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike The discrete generation interval probability mass vector of the renewal process Returns ------- tuple[float, ArrayLike] A tuple consisting of the asymptotic growth rate of the process, as jax float, and the stable age distribution of the process, as a jax array probability vector of the same shape as the generation interval probability vector. Raises ------ ValueError If an age distribution vector with non-zero imaginary part is produced. """ L = get_leslie_matrix(R, generation_interval_pmf) eigenvals, eigenvecs = jnp.linalg.eig(L) d = jnp.argmax(jnp.abs(eigenvals)) # index of dominant eigenvalue d_vec, d_val = eigenvecs[:, d], eigenvals[d] d_vec_real, d_val_real = jnp.real(d_vec), jnp.real(d_val) if not all(d_vec_real == d_vec): raise ValueError( "get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist() " "produced an age distribution vector with " "non-zero imaginary part. " "Check your generation interval distribution " "vector and R value" ) if not d_val_real == d_val: raise ValueError( "get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist() " "produced an asymptotic growth rate with " "non-zero imaginary part. " "Check your generation interval distribution " "vector and R value" ) d_vec_norm = d_vec_real / jnp.sum(d_vec_real) return d_val_real, d_vec_norm
[docs] def get_stable_age_distribution( R: float, generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike ) -> ArrayLike: """ Get the stable age distribution for a renewal process with a given value of R and a given discrete generation interval probability mass vector. This function computes that stable age distribution by finding and then normalizing an eigenvector associated to the dominant eigenvalue of the renewal process's Leslie matrix. Parameters ---------- R : float The reproduction number of the renewal process generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike The discrete generation interval probability mass vector of the renewal process Returns ------- ArrayLike The stable age distribution for the process, as a jax array probability vector of the same shape as the generation interval probability vector. """ return get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist(R, generation_interval_pmf)[ 1 ]
[docs] def get_asymptotic_growth_rate( R: float, generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike ) -> float: """ Get the asymptotic per timestep growth rate for a renewal process with a given value of R and a given discrete generation interval probability mass vector. This function computes that growth rate finding the dominant eigenvalue of the renewal process's Leslie matrix. Parameters ---------- R : float The reproduction number of the renewal process generation_interval_pmf: ArrayLike The discrete generation interval probability mass vector of the renewal process Returns ------- float The asymptotic growth rate of the renewal process, as a jax float. """ return get_asymptotic_growth_rate_and_age_dist(R, generation_interval_pmf)[ 0 ]