Source code for pyrenew.latent.infection_seeding_process

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# numpydoc ignore=GL08
import numpyro as npro
from pyrenew.latent.infection_seeding_method import InfectionSeedMethod
from pyrenew.metaclass import RandomVariable

[docs] class InfectionSeedingProcess(RandomVariable): """Generate an initial infection history""" def __init__( self, name, I_pre_seed_rv: RandomVariable, infection_seed_method: InfectionSeedMethod, t_unit: int, t_start: int | None = None, ) -> None: """Default class constructor for InfectionSeedingProcess Parameters ---------- name : str A name to assign to the RandomVariable. I_pre_seed_rv : RandomVariable A RandomVariable representing the number of infections that occur at some time before the renewal process begins. Each `infection_seed_method` uses this random variable in different ways. infection_seed_method : InfectionSeedMethod An `InfectionSeedMethod` that generates the seed infections for the renewal process. t_unit : int The unit of time for the time series passed to `RandomVariable.set_timeseries`. t_start : int, optional The relative starting time of the time series. If `None`, the relative starting time is set to `-infection_seed_method.n_timepoints`. Notes ----- The relative starting time of the time series (`t_start`) is set to `-infection_seed_method.n_timepoints`. Returns ------- None """ InfectionSeedingProcess.validate(I_pre_seed_rv, infection_seed_method) self.I_pre_seed_rv = I_pre_seed_rv self.infection_seed_method = infection_seed_method = name if t_start is None: t_start = -infection_seed_method.n_timepoints self.set_timeseries( t_start=t_start, t_unit=t_unit, )
[docs] @staticmethod def validate( I_pre_seed_rv: RandomVariable, infection_seed_method: InfectionSeedMethod, ) -> None: """Validate the input arguments to the InfectionSeedingProcess class constructor Parameters ---------- I_pre_seed_rv : RandomVariable A random variable representing the number of infections that occur at some time before the renewal process begins. infection_seed_method : InfectionSeedMethod An method to generate the seed infections. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(I_pre_seed_rv, RandomVariable): raise TypeError( "I_pre_seed_rv must be an instance of RandomVariable" f"Got {type(I_pre_seed_rv)}" ) if not isinstance(infection_seed_method, InfectionSeedMethod): raise TypeError( "infection_seed_method must be an instance of InfectionSeedMethod" f"Got {type(infection_seed_method)}" )
[docs] def sample(self) -> tuple: """Sample the infection seeding process. Returns ------- tuple a tuple where the only element is an array with the number of seeded infections at each time point. """ (I_pre_seed,) = self.I_pre_seed_rv.sample() infection_seeding = self.infection_seed_method(I_pre_seed) npro.deterministic(, infection_seeding) return (infection_seeding,)