Source code for pyrenew.datasets.wastewater

# numpydoc ignore=ES01,SA01,EX01

This module loads the package dataset named 'wastewater' and provides functions to manipulate the data. It uses the 'polars' library.

from importlib.resources import files

import polars as pl

[docs] def load_wastewater() -> pl.DataFrame: # numpydoc ignore=SS06,SA01,EX01 """ Load the wastewater dataset. This dataset contains simulated entries of COVID-19 wastewater concentration data. The dataset is used to demonstrate the use of the wastewater-informed COVID-19 forecasting model. Returns ------- pl.DataFrame The wastewater dataset. Notes ----- This dataset was downloaded directly from: The dataset contains the following columns: - `lab_wwtp_unique_id` - `log_conc` - `date` - `lod_sewage` - `below_lod` - `daily_hosp_admits` - `daily_hosp_admits_for_eval` - `pop` - `forecast_date` - `hosp_calibration_time` - `site` - `ww_pop` - `inf_per_capita` """ # Load the dataset return pl.read_csv( source=files("pyrenew.datasets") / "wastewater.tsv", separator="\t", try_parse_dates=True, )