Source code for pyrenew.process.iidrandomsequence

# numpydoc ignore=GL08

import numpyro.distributions as dist
from jax.typing import ArrayLike
from numpyro.contrib.control_flow import scan

from pyrenew.metaclass import RandomVariable
from pyrenew.randomvariable import DistributionalVariable

[docs] class IIDRandomSequence(RandomVariable): """ Class for constructing random sequence of independent and identically distributed elements given an arbitrary RandomVariable representing those elements. """ def __init__( self, element_rv: RandomVariable, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Default constructor Parameters ---------- name : str A name for the random variable, used to name sites within it in :meth:`numpyro.sample()` calls. element_rv : RandomVariable RandomVariable representing a single element in the sequence. Returns ------- None """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.element_rv = element_rv
[docs] def sample( self, n: int, *args, vectorize: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> ArrayLike: """ Sample an IID random sequence. Parameters ---------- n : int Length of the sequence to sample. *args : Additional positional arguments passed to self.element_rv.sample() vectorize: bool Sample vectorized? If True, use :meth:`RandomVariable.expand_by()`, whenever available, and fall back on :meth:`numpyro.contrib.control_flow.scan`. If False, always use :meth:`scan()`. Default False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to self.element_rv.sample(). Returns ------- ArrayLike `n` samples from `self.distribution` """ if vectorize and hasattr(self.element_rv, "expand_by"): result = self.element_rv.expand_by((n,)).sample(*args, **kwargs) else: def transition(_carry, _x): # numpydoc ignore=GL08 el = self.element_rv.sample(*args, **kwargs) return None, el _, result = scan( transition, xs=None, init=None, length=n, ) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(): """ Validates input parameters, implementation pending. """ super().validate() return None
[docs] class StandardNormalSequence(IIDRandomSequence): """ Class for a sequence of IID standard Normal (mean = 0, sd = 1) random variables. """ def __init__( self, element_rv_name: str, element_shape: tuple = None, **kwargs, ): """ Default constructor Parameters ---------- name : str see :class:`IIDRandomSequence`. element_rv_name: str Name for the internal element_rv, here a DistributionalVariable encoding a standard Normal (mean = 0, sd = 1) distribution. element_shape : tuple Shape for each element in the sequence. If None, elements are scalars. Default None. Returns ------- None """ if element_shape is None: element_shape = () super().__init__( element_rv=DistributionalVariable( name=element_rv_name, distribution=dist.Normal(0, 1) ).expand_by(element_shape) )