• Linux (64-bit) or Mac OS X (64-bit)
  • Git version 2.25.1 or later
  • Singularity version 3.8.7 or later
  • Standard utilities: curl, tar, unzip


See PRE-REQUISITES and REQUIREMENT FILES before proceeding to the next steps

(1) Convert seqsender Docker image into a Singularity image

There is a seqsender Docker image already built and stored on our DockerHub registry: cdcgov/seqsender-dev:latest. You can directly pull the Docker Image down from the registry, convert it into a Singularity image, and store it in a destination of your choice.

singularity build ~/singularity/seqsender.sif docker://cdcgov/seqsender-dev:latest

(2) After the Singularity image is built successfully, we can go ahead and use it to run seqsender.

Here is the command that shows the help messages of seqsender

mkdir ~/singularity
singularity exec ~/singularity/seqsender.sif seqsender-kickoff --help

Below is the standard out of the command.

usage: [-h]
                    {prep,submit,check_submission_status,template,version} ...

Automate the process of batch uploading consensus sequences and metadata to
databases of your choices

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

To see the arguments required for each command, for example, the submit command, run

singularity exec ~/singularity/seqsender.sif seqsender-kickoff submit --help
usage: submit [-h] [--biosample] [--sra] [--genbank] [--gisaid]
                           --organism {FLU,COV} --submission_name
                           SUBMISSION_NAME --submission_dir SUBMISSION_DIR
                           --config_file CONFIG_FILE --metadata_file
                           METADATA_FILE --fasta_file FASTA_FILE [--table2asn]
                           [--gff_file GFF_FILE] [--test]

Create submission files and then batch uploading them to databases of choices.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --biosample, -b       Submit to BioSample database. (default: )
  --sra, -s             Submit to SRA database. (default: )
  --genbank, -n         Submit to Genbank database. (default: )
  --gisaid, -g          Submit to GISAID database. (default: )
  --organism {FLU,COV}  Type of organism data (default: FLU)
  --submission_name SUBMISSION_NAME
                        Name of the submission (default: None)
  --submission_dir SUBMISSION_DIR
                        Directory to where all required files (such as
                        metadata, fasta, etc.) are stored (default: None)
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE
                        Config file stored in submission directory (default:
  --metadata_file METADATA_FILE
                        Metadata file stored in submission directory (default:
  --fasta_file FASTA_FILE
                        Fasta file stored in submission directory (default:
  --table2asn           Whether to prepare a Table2asn submission. (default:
  --gff_file GFF_FILE   An annotation file to add to a Table2asn submission
                        (default: None)
  --test                Whether to perform a test submission. (default: False)

(3) Submit a test submission

Rather than hastily jump in and submit a production submission right away, we can utilize GISAID’s and NCBI’s “TEST-SERVER” to upload a test submission first. That way submitter can familiarize themselves with the submission process prior to make a real submission.

Note: Duplicate test submissions will result in an error. Please create new sequence names each time you plan to run test submissions to avoid this issue.

Submit a test submission with a pre-processed dataset

Submit a test submission with your own dataset

Any questions or issues? Please report them on our Github issue tracker.