
BioSample is a database containing aggregated information pertaining to reference samples and samples stored in the European Bioinformatics Institute assay databases.

Before submitters can upload their experimental samples to BioSample database using seqsender, they must ensure the requirement files (such as config.yaml, metadata.csv, sequence.fasta, raw reads, etc.) are already prepared ahead of time and stored them in a submission folder of choice (e.g., submission_name) within a parent submission directory (e.g., submission_dir). That way seqsender will be able to scoop up the necessary files in that folder, generate submission files, and then batch uploading them to the submitting database of choices.

Requirement files

A quick look of where to store all of the requirement files

Config file

Config file is a yaml file that provides a brief description about the submission and contains user credentials that allow seqsender to authenticate the database prior to upload a submission.


  • To submit to NCBI only, one can remove the GISAID Submission (b) section from the config file. Vice versa, to submit to GISAID only, just remove the NCBI Submission (a) section.
  • Submission_Position determines the order of databases in which we will submit to first. For instance, if GISAID is set as 1, seqsender will submit to GISAID first, then after all samples are assigned with a GISAID accession number, seqsender will proceed to submit to NCBI. This order of submission ensures samples are linked correctly between the two databases.
  • Username and Password under the NCBI Submission (b) section are the credentials used to authenticate the NCBI FTP Server (not to mistake with individual NCBI account). See PRE-REQUISITES for more details.

Metadata file

The metadata worksheet is a comma-delimited (csv) file that contains required attributes that are useful for the rapid analysis and trace back of Influenza A Virus or SARS-COV-2 cases.

Here is a short description about the fields in the metadata worksheet.

Column_name Description
sequence_name Sequence identifier used in fasta file. This is used to create the fasta file for Genbank or GISAID.
organism The most descriptive organism name for the samples. If relevant, you can search the organism name in the NCBI Taxonomy database. For FLU, organism must be “Influenza A Virus”. For COV, organism must be “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”.
collection_date The date on which the sample was collected; must be in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
For example: 2020-03-25
authors Citing authors. List of Last, First Middle, suffix separated by a semicolon “;” E.g.: “Baker, Howard Henry, Jr.; Powell, Earl Alexander, III.;”
ncbi-spuid Submitter Provided Unique Identifiers. This is used to report back assigned accessions as well as for cross-linking objects within submission.
ncbi-spuid_namespace If SPUID is used, spuid_namespace has to be provided. The values of spuid_namespace are from controlled vocabulary and need to be coordinated with NCBI prior to submission.
ncbi-bioproject Associated BioProject accession number. For example: PRJNA217342
bs-description A brief description about the sample, e.g. SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Baseline Constellation.
bs-collected_by Name of persons or institute who collected the sample.
bs-geo_loc_name Geographical origin of the sample; use the appropriate name from this list. Use a colon to separate the country or ocean from more detailed information about the location, eg “Canada: Vancouver” or “Germany: halfway down Zugspitze, Alps”. Entering multiple localities in one attribute is not allowed.
bs-host The natural (as opposed to laboratory) host to the organism from which the sample was obtained. Use the full taxonomic name, eg, Homo sapiens.
bs-host_disease Name of relevant disease, e.g. Salmonella gastroenteritis. Controlled vocabulary, please see Human Disease Ontology or MeSH
bs-isolate Identification or description of the specific individual from which this sample was obtained.
bs-isolation_source Describes the physical, environmental and/or local geographical source of the biological sample from which the sample was derived.
bs-lat_lon The geographical coordinates of the location where the sample was collected. Specify as degrees latitude and longitude in format “d[d.dddd] N|S d[dd.dddd] W|E”, eg, 38.98 N 77.11 W

NOTE: The prefix of “bs-” is used to identity attributes for BioSample submissions

To include additional attributes to BioSample submissions, just append bs- in front of the desired attributes, e.g. bs-host_age, bs-host_sex, etc. See Pathogen.cl.1.0 package for more attributes.

You are now ready to install seqsender and batch upload your submission

Any questions or issues? Please report them on our Github issue tracker.