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RtGam is an R package for real-time estimation of epidemic growth rates. The package fits a smooth trend over time to an epidemic timeseries with a generalized additive model (GAM). From this fitted trend, it generates a short-term forecast and estimates the time-varying effective reproductive number, \(R_t\) and intrinsic growth rate, \(r\).

This vignette gives a brief overview of RtGam. It walks through how to fit a model to an epidemic timeseries and interpret the results.


This vignette assumes you have the RtGam package installed and loaded. This vignette uses ggplot2.

# Install with remotes::install_github("CDCGov/cfa-gam-rt")


The RtGam package requires a time series of observed incident case counts. For demonstration purposes, the package includes a simulated epidemic dataset, stochastic_sir_rt, adapted from Gostic et al. (2020).

In this example dataset, obs_cases is the vector of observed case counts, and reference_date is the corresponding vector of dates. The dataset has a timeseries of 299 days that we’ll subset to 60 days to make plotting easier.

data <- stochastic_sir_rt[41:100, ]
ggplot(data) +
  geom_point(aes(reference_date, obs_cases)) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Reference date", y = "Observed cases")

Because this dataset was simulated, we know the true \(R_t\) that generated the epidemic timeseries.

ggplot(data) +
  geom_point(aes(reference_date, true_rt)) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Reference date", y = "True Rt") +
    trans = "log",
    labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.01)

For more on this dataset see ?stochastic_sir_rt.

Fitting the Model

To fit an RtGam model, provide a vector of observed case counts and their corresponding dates. The model can automatically select hyperparameters like the smoothing basis dimension and the penalty basis dimension.

fit <- RtGam(
  cases = data[["obs_cases"]],
  reference_date = data[["reference_date"]]
#> ===============================
#> Fitted RtGam model object (gam)
#> ===============================
#> Model type: Adaptive (m = 2)
#> Specified maximum smoothing basis dimension: 27 
#> Family: Negative Binomial(12.448) 
#> Link function: log
#> Using day-of-week effects
#> ===============================
#> Observed data points: 60
#> Distinct reference dates: 60
#> Distinct groups: 1
#> Day-of-week levels: 7

To select your own smoothing or penalty basis dimension you can provide those parameters to the model. The penalty basis dimension can be specified with the k argument and the smooth basis dimension can be specified with the m argument. For example, we can decrease the penalty basis dimension of the model by setting m to 1. See smooth_dim_heuristic() and penalty_dim_heuristic() for more on how these basis dimensions are set and when to change them.

fit_non_adaptive <- RtGam(
  cases = data[["obs_cases"]],
  reference_date = data[["reference_date"]],
  m = 1
#> ===============================
#> Fitted RtGam model object (gam)
#> ===============================
#> Model type: Non-adaptive (m = 1)
#> Specified maximum smoothing basis dimension: 27 
#> Family: Negative Binomial(12.707) 
#> Link function: log
#> Using day-of-week effects
#> ===============================
#> Observed data points: 60
#> Distinct reference dates: 60
#> Distinct groups: 1
#> Day-of-week levels: 7

Note that RtGam throws warnings if diagnostic issues are detected. See ?RtGam for more details on how to specify a model and ?check_diagnostics for more on model diagnostics.

Analyzing Results

Posterior predicted cases

The predict() method draws samples from the posterior distribution of the fitted model. By default it draws 100 sampled timeseries of posterior predicted cases.

#>   reference_date .response .draw
#> 1     2023-02-10       700     1
#> 2     2023-02-10       505    86
#> 3     2023-02-10      1000    84
#> 4     2023-02-10       460    82
#> 5     2023-02-10       400    80
#> 6     2023-02-10       428    24

Calling plot on the fitted model object also draws posterior samples and plots them against the provided timeseries of cases.


Expected \(R_t\)

Producing an estimate of \(R_t\) requires some additional information. It needs the mean_delay, which is the expected number of days from a case’s infection to the case being counted. For example in a timeseries of hospitalizations, it’s the average number of days between infection and being hospitalized.

It also requires an estimate of the generation interval, which can be drawn from the literature or estimated separately using data on paired cases. RtGam expects the GI to be formatted as a probability mass function. We recommend using the package primarycensored to format a known generation interval distribution as a PMF. The probability mass function should have the first element dropped and replaced with a 0 because the underlying renewal-equation based approach assumes no same-day transmission.

In this simulated example, cases are observed immediately so the mean delay is 0. We have pre-generated the generation interval probability mass function (see more with ?sir_gt_pmf).

  parameter = "Rt",
  mean_delay = 0,
  gi_pmf = sir_gt_pmf

Model validation

Comparing the posterior draws from the fitted model posterior to the simulated ground truth suggests that the model is able to recover \(R_t\) from this timeseries. The model is able to identify and correctly time the sharp drop in \(R_t\) in early March and the rise in \(R_t\) in early April. However, we can see that the model has high uncertainty during initialization and oversmooths the sharp decline in early March.

  parameter = "Rt",
  mean_delay = 0,
  gi_pmf = sir_gt_pmf
) +
  geom_point(aes(reference_date, true_rt), data = data)

Future development effort will aim to improve model performance on challenging datasets like this example.

Additional Resources

To provide feedback or ask questions, refer to the package’s GitHub repository.

Note: This package is in early development. Outputs may be misleading or incorrect. Use with caution and refer to the repository for updates.


Gostic, Katelyn M, Lauren McGough, Edward B Baskerville, Sam Abbott, Keya Joshi, Christine Tedijanto, Rebecca Kahn, et al. 2020. “Practical Considerations for Measuring the Effective Reproductive Number, Rt.” PLoS Computational Biology 16 (12): e1008409.