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Evaluates for convergence, effective degrees of freedom, and residual autocorrelation. If warn_for_diagnostic_failure is set to TRUE, will issue warnings when potential diagnostic issues are detected. The diagnostics are invisibly returned as a list and also stored within the diagnostics element of the provided model object.


check_diagnostics(fit, warn_for_diagnostic_failure = TRUE)



A fitted RtGam model object. This should be the result of calling RtGam::RtGam() with appropriate data.


A logical value indicating whether to issue warnings if diagnostic checks suggest potential issues with the model fit. Defaults to TRUE, meaning that warnings will be issued by default.


Invisibly returns a list containing diagnostic results:

  • model_converged: Logical indicating if the model has converged.

  • k_prime: The maximum available number of degrees of freedom that could be used in the GAM fit.

  • k_edf: Estimated degrees of freedom actually used by the smooth terms in the model.

  • k_index: The ratio of the residual variance of differenced near-neighbor residuals to the overall residual variance. This should be near 1 or above.

  • k_p_value: P-value for testing if k' is adequate for modeling the data.

  • k_to_edf_ratio: Ratio of k' to effective degrees of freedom of the smooth terms. k' should be well below the available edf.

  • residual_autocorrelation: Autocorrelation coefficients for residuals up to lag 7 or one-tenth of series length, whichever is smaller.

See also

mgcv::k.check for a description of the diagnostic tests, mgcv::choose.k for a description of discussion of choosing the basis dimension, and Wood, Simon N. Generalized additive models: an introduction with R. chapman and hall/CRC, 2017. for a derivation of the metrics.


withr::with_seed(12345, {
  cases <- rpois(20, 10)
reference_date <- seq.Date(
  from = as.Date("2023-01-01"),
  length.out = 20,
  by = "day"
fit <- RtGam::RtGam(cases, reference_date)