Table for displaying stats for list of countries of concern.
- df
A dataframe with the following: id, who_country, date, new_cases, week_case_incidence, week_case, prev_week_case, percent_change_case, new_deaths, week_death_incidence, week_death, prev_week_death, percent_change_death, people_vaccinated_per_hundred, total_vaccinations_per_hundred
- df_vax_man
A dataframe with the following: id, date, vaccines
- country_list
(character) A vector of ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes for countries to highlight
- df_variant_pct
(optional) a dataframe with at least "id" (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3), and additional columns indicating % of variants sequenced to add to bottom of table
Most Recent Date for Vaccinations
column is computed internally via a call to get_vax_dates()
If df_variant_pct
is not provided, two columns for Delta and Omicron will be added to fill in manually
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get case/death/vax data
df_both <- get_combined_table("Both")
# Select some countries
c_list <- c("United Kingdom", "Denmark", "United States of America")
# The function expects ISO3 codes, so parse if input is raw
c_list_iso <- parse_country(c_list, to = "iso3c")
# Take the latest observation for each country (vax + case + deaths)
df_both_latest <- df_both %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(date == max(date)) %>%
# Pull metadata on vax manufacturers
vax_man <- get_vax_manufacturers()
# Produce table
table_countriesofconcern(df_both_latest, vax_man, c_list_iso)
} # }