Useful sf object shapefile for US Core-Based Statistical Area.



An object of class sf (inherits from data.frame) with 933 rows and 9 columns.


Rows: 933
Columns: 9
$ CSAFP    <fct> NA, NA, NA, NA, 220, 184, NA, NA, 440, 104, 172, NA, 290, 106, 142, NA, NA, 204, 408, 394, NA, NA, NA, 108, NA, 218, 104, NA, 258, 2...
$ CBSAFP   <fct> 10100, 10140, 10180, 10220, 10300, 10420, 10460, 10500, 10540, 10580, 10620, 10660, 10700, 10740, 10760, 10780, 10820, 10860, 10900,...
$ AFFGEOID <fct> 310M400US10100, 310M400US10140, 310M400US10180, 310M400US10220, 310M400US10300, 310M400US10420, 310M400US10460, 310M400US10500, 310M...
$ GEOID    <fct> 10100, 10140, 10180, 10220, 10300, 10420, 10460, 10500, 10540, 10580, 10620, 10660, 10700, 10740, 10760, 10780, 10820, 10860, 10900,...
$ NAME     <fct> "Aberdeen, SD", "Aberdeen, WA", "Abilene, TX", "Ada, OK", "Adrian, MI", "Akron, OH", "Alamogordo, NM", "Albany, GA", "Albany, OR", "...
$ LSAD     <fct> M2, M2, M1, M2, M2, M1, M2, M1, M1, M1, M2, M2, M2, M1, M2, M1, M2, M2, M1, M2, M2, M1, M2, M1, M2, M1, M2, M2, M2, M1, M1, M1, M2, ...
$ ALAND    <fct> 7353004578, 4924421612, 7105577213, 1865885645, 1941541486, 2331552026, 17126456771, 5006277239, 5923636964, 7282214082, 1023370459,...
$ AWATER   <fct> 111384297, 834689898, 36847511, 12421414, 30482189, 62086003, 36943378, 64821308, 50354267, 172506034, 25242751, 39237837, 148495464...
$ geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]> MULTIPOLYGON (((22796.3 369..., MULTIPOLYGON (((-1733803 53..., MULTIPOLYGON (((-13821.28 -..., MULTIPOLYGON (((280928....


