The Farrington algorithm is intended for weekly time series of counts spanning multiple years.

  t = date,
  y = count,
  B = 4,
  g = 27,
  w = 3,
  p = 10,
  method = "original"



A dataframe, dataframe extension (e.g., a tibble), or a lazy dataframe


A column containing date values


A column containing time series counts


Number of years to include in baseline (default is 4)


Number of guardband weeks to separate the test date from the baseline (default is 27)


Half the number of weeks included in reference window, before and after each reference date (default is 3)


Number of seasonal periods for each year in baseline


A string of either "original" (default) or "modified" to specify the version of the Farrington algorithm (original vs modified).


A dataframe


Original Farrington Algorithm: Quasi-Poisson generalized linear regression models are fit to baseline counts associated with reference dates in the B previous years, including w weeks before and after each reference date. The algorithm checks for convergence with a time term and refits a model with only an intercept term in the scenario the model does not converge. The inclusion of high baseline counts associated with past outbreaks or public health events is known to result in alerting thresholds that are too high and a reduction in sensitivity. An empirically derived weighting function is used to calculate weights from Anscombe residuals that assign low weight to baseline observations with large residuals. A 2/3rds transformation is applied to account for skewness common to time series with lower counts, after which expected value and variance estimates are used to derive upper and lower bounds for the prediction interval. The alert score is defined as the current observation minus the forecast value divided by the upper prediction interval bound minus the forecast value. If this score exceeds 1, an alert (red value) is raised given that the number of counts in the last 4 days is above 5. This algorithm requires that the number of years included in the baseline is 3 or higher. Blue values are returned if an alert does not occur. Grey values represent instances where anomaly detection did not apply (i.e., observations for which baseline data were unavailable).

Modified Farrington Algorithm: In 2012, Angela Noufaily developed a modified implementation of the original Farrington algorithm that improved performance by including more historical data in the baseline. The modified algorithm includes all weeks from the beginning of the first reference window to the last week proceeding a 27-week guardband period used to separate the test week from the baseline. A 10-level factor is used to account for seasonality throughout the baseline. Additionally, the modified algorithm assumes a negative binomial distribution on the weekly time series counts, where thresholds are computed as quantiles of the negative binomial distribution with plug-in estimates for mu and phi.



# Example 1

df <- data.frame(
  date = seq(as.Date("2014-01-05"), as.Date("2022-02-05"), "weeks"),
  count = rpois(length(seq(as.Date("2014-01-05"), as.Date("2022-02-05"), "weeks")), 25)


## Original Farrington algorithm

df_farr_original <- alert_farrington(df, t = date, y = count)


## Modified Farrington algorithm

df_farr_modified <- alert_farrington(df, t = date, y = count, method = "modified")


if (FALSE) {
# Example 2: Data from NSSP-ESSENCE, national counts for CDC Respiratory Synctial Virus v1


myProfile <- create_profile()

url <- "

url <- url %>% gsub("\n", "", .)

api_data <- get_api_data(url)

df <- api_data$timeSeriesData

## Original Farrington algorithm

df_farr_original <- alert_farrington(df, t = date, y = count)

## Modified Farrington algorithm

df_farr_modified <- alert_farrington(df, t = date, y = count, method = "modified")

### Visualize alert
df_farr_modified %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = count), linewidth = 0.4, color = "grey70") +
    data = subset(df_farr_modified, alert != "grey"),
    aes(x = date, y = count), color = "navy"
  ) +
    data = subset(df_farr_modified, alert == "blue"),
    aes(x = date, y = count), color = "navy"
  ) +
    data = subset(df_farr_modified, alert == "yellow"),
    aes(x = date, y = count), color = "yellow"
  ) +
    data = subset(df_farr_modified, alert == "red"),
    aes(x = date, y = count), color = "red"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    x = "Date",
    y = "Weekly ED Visits"