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A dataset containing the simulated daily hospital admissions (labeled here as daily_hosp_admits) by date of admission (date). Additional columns that are required are the population size of the population contributing to the hospital admissions. It is assumed that the wastewater sites are subsets of this larger population, which is in the package data assumed to be from a hypothetical US state. The data generated are daily hospital admissions but they could be any other epidemiological count dataset e.g. cases. This data should only contain hospital admissions that would have been available as of the date that the forecast was made. We recommend that users try to format their data to match this format.




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 90 rows and 4 columns.




This data is generated via the default values in the generate_simulated_data() function. They represent the bare minumum required fields needed to pass to the model, and we recommend that users try to format their own data to match this formate.

The variables are as follows:


Date the hospital admissions occurred, formatte din ISO8601 standatds as YYYY-MM-DD


The number of individuals admitted to the hospital on that date, available as of the forecast date


The number of people contributing to the daily hospital admissions


A string indicating the location that all of the data is coming from. This is not a necessary column, but instead is included to more realistically mirror a typical workflow