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Get wastewater data indices


  lod_col_name = "below_lod"



Input wastewater dataframe containing one row per observation, with outliers already removed


The earliest day with an observation in the ' count dataset, in ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DD


number of wastewater observations


A string representing the name of the column in the input_ww_data that provides a 0 if the data point is not above the LOD and a 1 if the data is below the LOD, default value is below_LOD


A list containing the necessary vectors of indices that the stan model requires: ww_censored: the vector of time points that the wastewater observations are censored (below the LOD) in order of the date and the site index ww_uncensored: the vector of time points that the wastewater observations are uncensored (above the LOD) in order of the date and the site index ww_sampled_times: the vector of time points that the wastewater observations are passed in in log_conc in order of the date and the site index ww_sampled_sites: the vector of sites that correspond to the observations passed in in log_conc in order of the date and the site index ww_sampled_lab_sites: the vector of unique combinations of site and labs that correspond to the observations passed in in log_conc in order of the date and the site index lab_site_to_site_map: the vector of sites that correspond to each lab-site