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This function takes in the output from a cmdstanr$sample() function (the fit object) and a series of diagnostic tolerances and returns a dataframe containing flags for whether any of the diagnostic thresholds were exceeded, which would indicate that the model did not properly converge. This funtion has a default method that takes the CmdStan fitting object, as well as an S3 method for objects of class 'wwinference_fit'

This method overloads the generic get_model_diagnostic_flags function specifically for objects of type 'wwinference_fit'.


get_model_diagnostic_flags(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'wwinference_fit'
get_model_diagnostic_flags(x, ...)

# Default S3 method
  ebmfi_tolerance = 0.2,
  divergences_tolerance = 0.01,
  frac_high_rhat_tolerance = 0.05,
  rhat_tolerance = 1.05,
  max_tree_depth_tol = 0.01,



Either an object of the 'wwinference_fit' class or the R6 Cmdstan Object fit object


additional arguments


float indicating the tolerance for EBMFI (estimated bayesian fraction of missing information), default is 0.2


float indicating the tolerance for the proportion of sampling iterations that are divergent, default is 0.01


float indicating the tolerance for the proportion of parameters rhats>rhat_tolderance, default is 0.05


float indicating the tolerance for the rhat for individual parameters, default is 1.05


float indicating the tolerance for the proportion of iterations that exceed the maximum tree depth, default is 0.01,


flag_df: dataframe containing columns for each of the flags, if any flags are TRUE that indicates some model issue

See also

Other diagnostics: parameter_diagnostics(), wwinference()