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This function reads in and optionally compiles a Stan model. It is written to search the installed package stan directory for additional source files to include. Within each stan file, use #include {path to your file with the stan directory}.stan


  model_filepath = system.file("stan", "wwinference.stan", package = "wwinference"),
  include_paths = system.file("stan", package = "wwinference"),
  threads = FALSE,
  target_dir = tempdir(),
  stanc_options = list(),
  cpp_options = list(),
  verbose = TRUE,



path to .stan file defining the model, default is `system.file("stan", "wwinference.stan", package = "wwinference")


path(s) to directories to search for files specified in #include statements. Passed to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(). Defaults to the stan subdirectory of the installed wwinference package.


Number of threads to use in model compilation, as an integer. Passed to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(). Default FALSE (use single-threaded compilation).


Directory in which to save the compiled stan model binary. Passed as the dir keyword argument to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(). Defaults to a temporary directory for the R session (the output of tempdir()).


Options for the stan compiler passed to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(), as a list. See that function's documentation for more details. Default list() (use default options).


Options for the C++ compiler passed to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model(), as a list. See that function's documentation for more details. Default list() (use default options).


Write detailed output to the terminal while executing the function? Boolean, default TRUE.


Additional keyword arguments passed to cmdstanr::cmdstan_model().


The resulting cmdstanr model object, as the output of cmdstanr::cmdstan_model().


The code for this function has been adapted from code written (under an MIT license) as part of the epinowcast R package.