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Selected public use files (PUFs) from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). These complex surveys can be analyzed using the survey or the surveytable packages.


You can install nchsdata like so:

install.packages(c("remotes", "git2r"))
remotes::install_github("CDCgov/nchsdata", upgrade = "never")


Find the documentation for nchsdata here:


The data systems currently available in nchsdata are:

#> ed2020                  National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care
#>                         Survey (NHAMCS) Emergency Department (ED) 2020
#>                         Public Use File (PUF)
#> namcs2019               National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
#>                         2019 Public Use File (PUF)
#> nhanes2016s             National Health and Nutrition Examination
#>                         Survey (NHANES) 2013-2016 Public Use File (PUF)
#>                         (select variables and observations)
#> rcc2018                 National Study of Long-Term Care Providers
#>                         (NSLTCP) Residential Care Community (RCC) 2018
#>                         Public Use File (PUF)
#> rccsu2018               National Study of Long-Term Care Providers
#>                         (NSLTCP) Residential Care Community (RCC)
#>                         Services User (SU) 2018 Public Use File (PUF)

If you have surveytable, you can use it to analyze these surveys. For example:

#>                        _              
#> Survey name            RCC SU 2018 PUF
#> Number of variables    81             
#> Number of observations 904            
#> Stratified Independent Sampling design
#> svydesign(ids = ~1, strata = ~pufstrata2 + su_facid, fpc = ~pufpopfac2, 
#>     weights = ~suwt, data = d1)
#> * To adjust how counts are rounded, see ?set_count_int
tab("hbp", drop_na = TRUE)
Resident diagnosed with high blood pressure (knowns only) {RCC SU 2018 PUF}
Level Number (000) SE (000) LL (000) UL (000) Percent SE LL UL
FALSE 404 25 357 457 44.8 2.6 39.7 50  
TRUE 498 26 449 552 55.2 2.6 50   60.3
(Checked presentation standards. Nothing to report.)

In all, there are 3 related packages:

importsurvey imports surveys into R that are currently in other formats. Public versions of surveys that have already been imported are stored in nchsdata. Tables of estimates can be generated using surveytable.

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