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In this vignette, we use forecasttools to capture the current state of the FluSight forecast hub (see here), and then score the forecasts according to a proper scoring rule. We do the scoring with scoringutils.

Generating a table of forecasts against truth data.

First, we create a table of forecast predictions formatted to work with scoringutils functions using hub_to_scorable_quantiles(). Generally, we expect users to use hub_to_scorable_quantiles() with a local path to the forecast repository which updates from GitHub by default. In this case, we download the hub first.

hub_url <- ""
hub_path <- fs::path(withr::local_tempdir(), "flusight-hub")
  hub_url = hub_url,
  hub_path = hub_path,
  force = TRUE
forecast_and_target <- hub_to_scorable_quantiles(hub_path)
#>  Updating superseded URL `Infectious-Disease-Modeling-hubs` to `hubverse-org`
#>  Updating superseded URL `Infectious-Disease-Modeling-hubs` to `hubverse-org`
#> New names:
#> Rows: 6148 Columns: 6
#> ── Column specification
#> ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Delimiter: "," chr
#> (2): location, location_name dbl (3): ...1, value, weekly_rate date (1): date
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data. 
#> Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#>  `` -> `...1`

There are 39 different models that have been submitted to FluSight.

#>  [1] "CADPH-FluCAT_Ensemble"    "CEPH-Rtrend_fluH"        
#>  [3] "CMU-TimeSeries"           "CU-ensemble"             
#>  [5] "FluSight-baseline"        "FluSight-ensemble"       
#>  [7] "FluSight-lop_norm"        "GH-model"                
#>  [9] "GT-FluFNP"                "ISU_NiemiLab-ENS"        
#> [11] "ISU_NiemiLab-NLH"         "ISU_NiemiLab-SIR"        
#> [13] "JHU_CSSE-CSSE_Ensemble"   "LUcompUncertLab-chimera" 
#> [15] "LosAlamos_NAU-CModel_Flu" "MIGHTE-Nsemble"          
#> [17] "MOBS-GLEAM_FLUH"          "NIH-Flu_ARIMA"           
#> [19] "NU_UCSD-GLEAM_AI_FLUH"    "PSI-PROF"                
#> [21] "PSI-PROF_beta"            "SGroup-RandomForest"     
#> [23] "SigSci-CREG"              "SigSci-TSENS"            
#> [25] "Stevens-GBR"              "UGA_flucast-Copycat"     
#> [27] "UGA_flucast-INFLAenza"    "UGA_flucast-OKeeffe"     
#> [29] "UGuelph-CompositeCurve"   "UGuelphensemble-GRYPHON" 
#> [31] "UM-DeepOutbreak"          "UMass-flusion"           
#> [33] "UMass-trends_ensemble"    "UNC_IDD-InfluPaint"      
#> [35] "UVAFluX-Ensemble"         "VTSanghani-Ensemble"     
#> [37] "cfa-flumech"              "cfarenewal-cfaepimlight" 
#> [39] "fjordhest-ensemble"

There are 53 locations, either states or territories, for which there are available fforecasts. They are stored as two-digit codes, but can re-code them as the more familiar USPS-style two-letter abbreviations via us_loc_code_to_abbr():

#>  [1] "06" "01" "02" "04" "05" "08" "09" "10" "11" "12" "13" "15" "16" "17" "18"
#> [16] "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "32" "33"
#> [31] "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "44" "45" "46" "47" "48" "49"
#> [46] "50" "51" "53" "54" "55" "56" "72" "US"

forecast_and_target <- forecast_and_target |>
  mutate(location = us_loc_code_to_abbr(location))

#>  [1] "CA" "AL" "AK" "AZ" "AR" "CO" "CT" "DE" "DC" "FL" "GA" "HI" "ID" "IL" "IN"
#> [16] "IA" "KS" "KY" "LA" "ME" "MD" "MA" "MI" "MN" "MS" "MO" "MT" "NE" "NV" "NH"
#> [31] "NJ" "NM" "NY" "NC" "ND" "OH" "OK" "OR" "PA" "RI" "SC" "SD" "TN" "TX" "UT"
#> [46] "VT" "VA" "WA" "WV" "WI" "WY" "PR" "US"

Tabular scoring of forecasts

scoringutils provides various forecast evaluation metrics including interval scores, skill relative to a chosen baseline, and coverage at different prediction quantiles. Here we show the metrics for US overall forecasts by model for all forecast dates so far, rounding to two significant figures

chosen_location <- "US"

forecast_and_target |>
  filter(location == !!chosen_location) |>
  score() |>
    by = "model_id",
    relative_skill = TRUE,
    baseline = "FluSight-ensemble"
  ) |>
    by = "model_id",
    fun = signif,
    digits = 2
  ) |>
model_id wis overprediction underprediction dispersion bias interval_coverage_50 interval_coverage_90 ae_median
CEPH-Rtrend_fluH 1500 210 800 490 -0.340 0.540 0.840 2400
CMU-TimeSeries 1900 230 740 900 -0.220 0.600 0.950 2900
CU-ensemble 1700 570 680 480 -0.220 0.510 0.780 2500
FluSight-baseline 1700 610 870 210 0.110 0.086 0.640 2400
FluSight-ensemble 1200 270 510 440 -0.190 0.560 0.920 1900
FluSight-lop_norm 1200 200 410 590 -0.180 0.640 0.990 1900
GH-model 7400 0 7200 170 -0.970 0.022 0.089 7800
GT-FluFNP 2700 580 1800 360 -0.300 0.260 0.450 3600
ISU_NiemiLab-ENS 1900 190 1400 400 -0.520 0.330 0.570 2600
ISU_NiemiLab-NLH 1600 140 1100 310 -0.380 0.410 0.610 2100
ISU_NiemiLab-SIR 2600 590 1500 510 -0.480 0.310 0.550 3600
JHU_CSSE-CSSE_Ensemble 900 160 310 440 -0.059 0.560 0.960 1400
LUcompUncertLab-chimera 1700 690 770 260 -0.280 0.200 0.510 2300
LosAlamos_NAU-CModel_Flu 7000 5200 1600 190 -0.190 0.048 0.210 7700
MIGHTE-Nsemble 1300 310 600 380 -0.120 0.530 0.830 2000
MOBS-GLEAM_FLUH 1200 140 490 610 -0.330 0.630 0.940 1900
NIH-Flu_ARIMA 2200 100 710 1400 -0.160 0.570 0.930 2100
NU_UCSD-GLEAM_AI_FLUH 1900 520 580 760 -0.130 0.590 0.890 2900
PSI-PROF 1300 340 380 620 0.045 0.540 0.860 2100
PSI-PROF_beta 1800 430 650 730 0.073 0.540 0.840 2700
SGroup-RandomForest 1500 89 800 600 -0.210 0.590 0.940 2300
SigSci-CREG 1100 370 370 320 -0.130 0.320 0.780 1700
SigSci-TSENS 1600 370 690 530 -0.100 0.560 0.850 2300
Stevens-GBR 2300 60 1800 440 -0.530 0.270 0.490 3100
UGA_flucast-Copycat 1700 190 910 570 -0.280 0.470 0.870 2600
UGA_flucast-INFLAenza 1700 180 1100 380 -0.071 0.350 0.810 2500
UGA_flucast-OKeeffe 430 0 320 110 -0.680 0.270 0.800 700
UGuelph-CompositeCurve 3100 1800 770 490 0.031 0.081 0.550 4400
UGuelphensemble-GRYPHON 1800 530 860 440 -0.150 0.320 0.850 2700
UM-DeepOutbreak 2000 220 440 1300 -0.081 0.720 0.830 2100
UMass-flusion 1100 240 320 510 -0.033 0.590 0.990 1700
UMass-trends_ensemble 1900 680 840 350 -0.038 0.320 0.590 2500
UNC_IDD-InfluPaint 2800 1700 850 240 -0.180 0.160 0.380 3600
UVAFluX-Ensemble 1700 850 450 400 -0.084 0.520 0.750 2300
VTSanghani-Ensemble 2200 800 1100 340 -0.100 0.230 0.490 3000
cfa-flumech 2400 1500 430 460 0.079 0.310 0.650 3400
cfarenewal-cfaepimlight 1500 420 690 410 -0.230 0.440 0.830 2400
fjordhest-ensemble 1400 370 450 570 -0.180 0.580 0.940 2200