DIBBs Record Linkage Service (3.0.0)

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Getting Started with the DIBBs Record Linkage Service


The DIBBs record linkage service offers a REST API for linking new health care messages to existing records if a connection exists.

Running the Record Linkage Service

You can run the Record Linkage service using Docker, any other OCI container runtime (e.g., Podman), or directly from the Python source code.

To run the Record Linkage service with Docker Compose follow these steps.

  1. Confirm that you have Docker installed by running docker -v. If you don't see a response similar what's shown below, follow these instructions to install Docker.
❯ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f
  1. Navigate to the containers/record-linkage folder and start the service by running docker compose up --build

Congratulations the Record Linkage service should now be running on localhost:8080!

Running with Docker

To run the Record Linkage service with Docker follow these steps.

  1. Confirm that you have Docker installed by running docker -v. If you do not see a response similar to what is shown below, follow these instructions to install Docker.
❯ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f
  1. Download a copy of the Docker image from the DIBBs repository by running docker pull ghcr.io/cdcgov/dibbs-ecr-viewer/record-linkage:latest.
  2. Run the service with docker run -p 8080:8080 record-linkage:latest.

Congratulations, the Record Linkage service should now be running on localhost:8080!

Running from Python Source Code

We recommend running the Record Linkage service from a container, but if that isn't feasible for a given use case, you can also run the service directly from Python using the steps below.

  1. Ensure that both Git and Python 3.12 or higher are installed.
  2. Clone the DIBBs repository with git clone https://github.com/CDCgov/dibbs-ecr-viewer.
  3. Navigate to /dibbs-ecr-viewer/containers/record-linkage/.
  4. Make a fresh virtual environment with python -m venv .venv.
  5. Activate the virtual environment with source .venv/bin/activate (MacOS and Linux), venv\Scripts\activate (Windows Command Prompt), or .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (Windows PowerShell).
  6. Install all Python dependencies for the record linkage service with pip install -r requirements.txt into your virtual environment.
  7. Run the record linkage service on localhost:8080 with python -m uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8080 --log-config app/log_config.yaml.

Building the Docker Image

To build the Docker image for the Record Linkage service from source code instead of downloading it from the DIBBs repository follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that both Git and Docker are installed.
  2. Clone the DIBBs repository with git clone https://github.com/CDCgov/dibbs-ecr-viewer.
  3. Navigate to /dibbs-ecr-viewer/containers/record-linkage/.
  4. Run docker build -t record-linkage ..


When viewing these docs from the /redoc endpoint on a running instance of the Record Linkage service or the DIBBs website, detailed documentation on the API will be available below.

Architecture Diagram

graph TD
    subgraph Docker Compose Services
        A[PostgreSQL Database]
        B[Record Linkage Service]

    A -->|Health Check & Data| B

    subgraph Record Linkage Service Components
        B5[link_record Endpoint]
        B6[Health Check Endpoint]

    B -->|Uses| B1
    B1 -->|Handles| B5
    B5 -->|Accepts| B2
    B5 -->|Returns| B3
    B1 -->|Monitors| B6
    B6 -->|Returns| B4

Health Check

This endpoint checks the status of this service and its connection to Master Patient Index (MPI). If an HTTP 200 status code is returned along with '{"status": "OK"}' then the Record Linkage service is available and running properly. The mpi_connection_status field contains a description of the connection health to the MPI database.


Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "string",
  • "mpi_connection_status": "string"

Link Record

This endpoint compares a FHIR bundle with records in the MPI to check for matches with existing patient records. If matches are found, it returns the bundle with updated references to existing patients.

Request Body schema: application/json
object (Bundle)

A FHIR bundle containing a patient resource to be checked for links to existing patient records

Use Enhanced (boolean) or Use Enhanced (null) (Use Enhanced)
Default: false

Optionally, a boolean flag indicating whether to use the DIBBs enhanced algorithm (with statistical correction) for record linkage. If False and no optional algo_config is provided, the service will use the DIBBs basic algorithm. If this parameter is set to True, the enhanced algorithm will be used in place of any configuration supplied in algo_config.

Algo Config (object) or Algo Config (null) (Algo Config)
Default: {}

A JSON dictionary containing the specification for a linkage algorithm, as defined in the SDK functions read_algo_config and write_algo_config. Default value uses the DIBBS in-house basic algorithm.

External Person Id (string) or External Person Id (null) (External Person Id)

The External Identifier, provided by the client, for a unique patient/person that is linked to patient(s)


Request samples

Content type
  • "bundle": { },
  • "use_enhanced": false,
  • "algo_config": { },
  • "external_person_id": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "found_match": true,
  • "updated_bundle": {