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This function extracts various diagnostic metrics from a fitted EpiNow2 model and provided data. It checks for low case counts and computes diagnostics from the fitted model, including the mean acceptance statistic, divergent transitions, maximum tree depth, and Rhat values. Additionally, a combined flag is computed indicating if any diagnostics are outside an acceptable range. The results are returned as a data frame.


extract_diagnostics(fit, data, job_id, task_id, disease, geo_value, model)



The model fit object from EpiNow2


A data frame containing the input data used in the model fit.


A string specifying the job.


A string specifying the task.


A string specifying the disease being modeled. One of "COVID-19" or "Influenza".


An uppercase, two-character string specifying the geographic value, usually a state or "US" for national data.


A string specifying the model to be used.


A data.frame containing the extracted diagnostic metrics. The data frame includes the following columns:

  • diagnostic: The name of the diagnostic metric.

  • value: The value of the diagnostic metric.

  • job_id: The unique identifier for the job.

  • task_id: The unique identifier for the task.

  • disease,geo_value,model: Metadata for downstream processing.


The following diagnostics are calculated:

  • mean_accept_stat: The average acceptance statistic across all chains.

  • p_divergent: The proportion of divergent transitions across all samples.

  • n_divergent: The number of divergent transitions across all samples.

  • p_max_treedepth: The proportion of samples that hit the maximum tree depth.

  • p_high_rhat: The proportion of parameters with Rhat values greater than 1.05, indicating potential convergence issues.

  • n_high_rhat: The number of parameters with Rhat values greater than 1.05, indicating potential convergence issues.

  • low_case_count_flag: A flag indicating if there are low case counts in the data. See low_case_count_diagnostic() for more information on this diagnostic.

  • epinow2_diagnostic_flag: A combined flag that indicates if any diagnostic metrics are outside an accepted range, as determined by the thresholds: (1) mean_accept_stat < 0.1, (2) p_divergent > 0.0075, (3) p_max_treedepth > 0.05, and (4) p_high_rhat > 0.0075.

See also

Other diagnostics: low_case_count_diagnostic()