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Application Configuration

The RecordLinker application is configured via a pydantic-settings configuration class. The settings are loaded from environment variables or a .env file, allowing for easy customization without modifying the code. When both an environment variable and a .env file are present, the environment variable takes precedence.

Configuration Settings

Each setting can be configured as follows:

DB_URI (Required)

The URI for the application database.

Example: postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@localhost/dbname


Prefix applied to all database tables, useful for namespace separation.

Docker Default: ""

Development Default: ""

TEST_DB_URI (Optional)

The URI for the application database used when running tests.

Docker Default: sqlite:///testdb.sqlite3

Development Default: sqlite:///testdb.sqlite3


Number of connections in the MPI database connection pool.

Docker Default: 5

Development Default: 5


Maximum number of overflow connections allowed in the connection pool.

Docker Default: 10

Development Default: 10

LOG_CONFIG (Optional)

Path to a logging configuration file, used to configure logging settings on startup. A value of an empty string will cause logging to use default settings.

Docker Default: "assets/production_log_config.json"

Development Default: ""

SPLUNK_URI (Optional)

URI for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint. When set, logs will be sent to the configured Splunk instance for analysis. The format is splunkhec://<token>@<host>:<port>?index=<index>&proto=<protocol>&source=<source>

Docker Default: ""

Development Default: ""


Path to a JSON file with initial algorithms to load if the algorithms table is empty.

Docker Default: assets/initial_algorithms.json

Development Default: assets/initial_algorithms.json

Database Options

The DB_URI and TEST_DB_URI settings can be configured to connect to a compatible SQLAlchemy database. By default, the following database drivers are installed allowing for connections to:

  • sqlite3 (sqlite)

    Example: sqlite:///db.sqlite3

  • psycopg2 (postgresql)

    Example: postgresql+psycopg2://user:password@localhost/dbname

  • pymysql (mysql)

    Example: mysql+pymysql://user:password@localhost/dbname

  • pyodbc (sqlite)

    Example: mssql+pyodbc://user:password@localhost/dbname?driver=ODBC+Driver+18+for+SQL+Server&TrustServerCertificate=yes

Docker Configuration

In addition to the above application settings that can be configured via environment variables, the Dockerfile can be built with the build arguments to customize the container.


The environment to install python packages for. Options are dev or prod, see the pyproject.toml file for details on the list of packages installed for each environment.

Default: prod

PORT (Optional)

The port the application will listen on.

Default: 8080

USE_MSSQL (Optional)

Whether to install the pyodbc package for connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database. This is required if connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Default: true

USE_OTEL (Optional)

Whether to install the opentelemetry-instrumentation package for tracing.

Default: false

Note: For information on Algorithm Configuration, see the Reference section.