Environment Setup
- Nextflow v. 21.10.3 or newer
- Compute environment (docker, singularity or conda)
❗ Note: If you are a CDC user, please follow the set-up instructions found on this page: CDC User Guide
(1) Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
❗ Note: If you already have Nextflow installed in your local environment, skip ahead to step 5.
(2) Install mamba and add it to your PATH
2a. Install mamba
❗ Note: If you have mamba installed in your local environment, skip ahead to step 3 (Create and activate a conda environment)
curl -L -O$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh -b -p $HOME/mambaforge
2b. Add mamba to PATH:
export PATH="$HOME/mambaforge/bin:$PATH"
(3) Install Nextflow using mamba and the bioconda Channel
mamba install -c bioconda nextflow
(4) Update the default submissions config file with your NCBI username and password
# update this config file (you don't have to use vim)
vim conf/submission_config.yaml
(5) Run the workflow with default parameters and the local run environment
# test command for virus reads
nextflow run -profile test,<singularity|docker|conda> --virus
The pipeline outputs appear in tostadas/test_output
(6) Start running your own analysis
Annotate and submit viral reads
nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species virus --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/> --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml>
Annotate and submit bacterial reads
nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species bacteria --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml> --download_bakta_db --bakta_db_type <light|full> --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/>
Refer to the wiki for more information on input parameters and use cases
(7) Custom metadata validation and custom BioSample package
TOSTADAS defaults to (Pathogen: clinical or host-associated; version 1.0) NCBI BioSample package for submissions to the BioSample repository. You can submit using a different BioSample package by doing the following:
- Change the package name in the
. Choose one of the available NCBI BioSample packages. - Add the necessary fields for your BioSample package to your input Excel file.
- Add those fields as keys to the JSON file (
) and provide key info as needed.
replace_empty_with: TOSTADAS will replace any empty cells with this value (Example application: NCBI expects some value for any mandatory field, so if empty you may want to change it to "Not Provided".)
new_field_name: TOSTADAS will replace the field name in your metadata Excel file with this value. (Example application: you get weekly metadata Excel files and they specify 'animal_environment' but NCBI expects 'animal_env'; you can specify this once in the JSON file and it will be changed on every run.)
Submit to a custom BioSample package
nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species virus --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/> --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml> --custom_fields_file <path/to/metadata_custom_fields.json>