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Environment Setup


  • Nextflow v. 21.10.3 or newer
  • Compute environment (docker, singularity or conda)

❗ Note: If you are a CDC user, please follow the set-up instructions found on this page: CDC User Guide

(1) Clone the repository to your local machine:

  • git clone

❗ Note: If you already have Nextflow installed in your local environment, skip ahead to step 5.

(2) Install mamba and add it to your PATH

2a. Install mamba

❗ Note: If you have mamba installed in your local environment, skip ahead to step 3 (Create and activate a conda environment)

curl -L -O$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh -b -p $HOME/mambaforge

2b. Add mamba to PATH:

export PATH="$HOME/mambaforge/bin:$PATH"

(3) Install Nextflow using mamba and the bioconda Channel

mamba install -c bioconda nextflow

(4) Update the default submissions config file with your NCBI username and password

# update this config file (you don't have to use vim)

vim conf/submission_config.yaml

(5) Run the workflow with default parameters and the local run environment

# test command for virus reads

nextflow run -profile test,<singularity|docker|conda> --virus

The pipeline outputs appear in tostadas/test_output

(6) Start running your own analysis

Annotate and submit viral reads

nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species virus --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/> --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml>

Annotate and submit bacterial reads

nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species bacteria --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml> --download_bakta_db --bakta_db_type <light|full> --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/>

Refer to the wiki for more information on input parameters and use cases

(7) Custom metadata validation and custom BioSample package

TOSTADAS defaults to (Pathogen: clinical or host-associated; version 1.0) NCBI BioSample package for submissions to the BioSample repository. You can submit using a different BioSample package by doing the following:

  1. Change the package name in the conf/submission_config.yaml. Choose one of the available NCBI BioSample packages.
  2. Add the necessary fields for your BioSample package to your input Excel file.
  3. Add those fields as keys to the JSON file (assets/custom_meta_fields/example_custom_fields.json) and provide key info as needed.

replace_empty_with: TOSTADAS will replace any empty cells with this value (Example application: NCBI expects some value for any mandatory field, so if empty you may want to change it to "Not Provided".)

new_field_name: TOSTADAS will replace the field name in your metadata Excel file with this value. (Example application: you get weekly metadata Excel files and they specify 'animal_environment' but NCBI expects 'animal_env'; you can specify this once in the JSON file and it will be changed on every run.)

Submit to a custom BioSample package

nextflow run -profile <docker|singularity> --species virus --submission --annotation --genbank true --sra true --biosample true --output_dir <path/to/output/dir/> --meta_path <path/to/metadata_file.xlsx> --submission_config <path/to/submission_config.yaml> --custom_fields_file <path/to/metadata_custom_fields.json>