
Associated Publication

Hofstetter, J., Arfken, A., Kahler, A., Qvarnstrom, Y., Rodrigues, C., & Mattioli, M. (2024). Evaluation of coccidia DNA in irrigation pond water and wastewater sludge associated with Cyclospora cayetanensis 18S rRNA gene qPCR detections. Microbiology Spectrum, e00906-24.

Project Description

Selected scripts and codes used in the dectection of Cyclospora cayetanensis from 18S and COX3 amplicon sequencing. Test data sets included in this repository are from a subset of samples pulled from COX3 sequencing.

Bash Scripts

Blast-NCBI-nt.sh use ncbi-blast+ with fasta files to blast against a selected database with a 90% ID & coverage cutoff and return results with tab-delimited format and the following parameters: queryID accession taxID title length percentID query coverage mismatch gapopen query start query end subject start subject end evalue bitscore.

samtools-extract-coordinates.sh extract bam alignments based on genome coordinates from indexed bam files. Requires two coordinates. Test with Test_dataset_GENESLICE.

Example Usage:

sh samtools-extract-coordinates.sh "NW_020312409:1749-1750" "NW_020312409:1874-1875"

samtools-ampliconclip.sh trim overhangs from extracted bam alignments. Requires bed file with designated trimming locations. Test with Test_dataset_GENESLICE following coordinate extraction.

Example Usage:

sh samtools-ampliconclip.sh 1749-1875-bed

Python codes

Parse_Blast_Dict_dupcounts.py parse blast outputs and duplicate sequence count data from seqkit rmdup (https://github.com/shenwei356/seqkit) and return table with combined top counts based on max bitscores for all samples. A randomly selected hit will be selected if max bitscores are tied among several hits. Note: tied hits may include all hits with the same taxID, does not distinguish. Requires a blast output file and count data for each sample. Use with Test_dataset_BLAST.

An optional taxa -target may also be selected to retrieve all max bitscore hits based on taxa ID. Note: for target option, tied hits are only considered tied maxscore hits between different taxID (i.e tied hits among same taxID will considered unique and not tied). ** Warning: inconsistent counts may occur when using the string option if taxa have different names or are missing labels for the same taxID! **

General Parameters:

-d          directory containing files
-s1         file suffix for blast output results
-s2         file suffix for duplicate count files
-o          prefix for output files (optional)
-target     character string or taxID (optional)

Example Usage:

python Parse_Blast_Dict_dupcounts.py -d . -s1 _blast-hits-nt.txt -s2 _duplicated.detail.txt

Example Usage with Targets:

python Parse_Blast_Dict_dupcounts.py -d . -s1 _blast-hits-nt.txt -s2 _duplicated.detail.txt -o Cyclo_ -target 88456
python Parse_Blast_Dict_dupcounts.py -d . -s1 _blast-hits-nt.txt -s2 _duplicated.detail.txt -o Eimeria_ -target Eimeria

FastqList.py create a list of representative sequence IDs for each sample based on a community percent threshold. Use with Test_dataset_FASTQLIST.


-d          directory containing files
-s          file suffix of duplicate count files
-p          threshold percentage (given as a decimal)

Example Usage:

python FastqList.py -d . -s _duplicated.detail.txt -p 0.25


18S_Dendrogram.md rmarkdown to create dendrogram plot of most abundant taxa found in pond and sludge samples based on 18S gene sliced reads mapped to C. cayetanensis 18S gene region (655-807bp).