
This page details the some of the guidelines that should be followed when contributing to this package. It is adapted from Documenter.jl.


release-* branches are used for tagged minor versions of this package. This follows the same approach used in the main Julia repository, albeit on a much more modest scale.

Please open pull requests against the master branch rather than any of the release-* branches whenever possible.


Bug fixes are backported to the release-* branches using git cherry-pick -x by a EpiAware member and will become available in point releases of that particular minor version of the package.

Feel free to nominate commits that should be backported by opening an issue. Requests for new point releases to be tagged in METADATA.jl can also be made in the same way.

release-* branches

  • Each new minor version x.y.0 gets a branch called release-x.y (a protected branch).
  • New versions are usually tagged only from the release-x.y branches.
  • For patch releases, changes get backported to the release-x.y branch via a single PR with the standard name "Backports for x.y.z" and label "Type: Backport". The PR message links to all the PRs that are providing commits to the backport. The PR gets merged as a merge commit (i.e. not squashed).
  • The old release-* branches may be removed once they have outlived their usefulness.
  • Patch version milestones are used to keep track of which PRs get backported etc.

Style Guide

Follow the style of the surrounding text when making changes. When adding new features please try to stick to the following points whenever applicable. This project follows the SciML style guide.


Unit tests

As is conventional for Julia packages, unit tests are located at test/*.jl with the entrypoint test/runtests.jl.

End to end testing

Tests that build example package docs from source and inspect the results (end to end tests) are located in /test/examples. The main entry points are test/examples/make.jl for building and test/examples/test.jl for doing some basic checks on the generated outputs.

Pluto usage in showcase documentation

Some of the showcase examples in EpiAware/docs/src/showcase use Pluto.jl notebooks for the underlying computation. The output of the notebooks is rendered into HTML for inclusion in the documentation in two steps:

  1. PlutoStaticHTML.jl converts the notebook with output into a machine-readable .md format.
  2. Documenter.jl renders the .md file into HTML for inclusion in the documentation during the build process.

For other examples of using Pluto to generate documentation see the examples shown here.

Running Pluto notebooks from EpiAware locally

To run the Pluto.jl scripts in the EpiAware documentation directly from the source code you can do these steps:

  1. Install Pluto.jl locally. We recommend using the version of Pluto that is pinned in the Project.toml file defining the documentation environment.
  2. Clone the EpiAware repository.
  3. Start Pluto.jl either from REPL (see the Pluto.jl documentation) or from the command line with the shell script EpiAware/docs/
  4. From the Pluto.jl interface, navigate to the Pluto.jl script you want to run.

Contributing to Pluto notebooks in EpiAware documentation

Modifying an existing Pluto notebook

Committing changes to the Pluto.jl notebooks in the EpiAware documentation is the same as committing changes to any other part of the repository. However, please note that we expect the following features for the environment management of the notebooks:

  1. Use the environment determined by the Project.toml file in the EpiAware/docs directory. If you want extra packages, add them to this environment.
  2. Use the version of EpiAware that is used in these notebooks to be the version of EpiAware on the branch being pull requested into main. To do this use the Pkg.develop function.

To do this you can use the following code snippet in the Pluto notebook:

# Determine the relative path to the `EpiAware/docs` directory
docs_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(@__DIR__))))
# Determine the relative path to the `EpiAware` package directory
pkg_dir = dirname(docs_dir)

using Pkg: Pkg
Pkg.develop(; path = pkg_dir)

Adding a new Pluto notebook

Adding a new Pluto.jl notebook to the EpiAware documentation is the same as adding any other file to the repository. However, in addition to following the guidelines for modifying an existing notebook, please note that the new notebook is added to the set of notebook builds using build in the EpiAware/docs/make.jl file. This will generate an .md of the same name as the notebook which can be rendered when makedocs is run. For this document to be added to the overall documentation the path to the .md file must be added to the Pages array defined in EpiAware/docs/pages.jl.