
For a pleasant experience with the Rnssp R Markdown templates, users' system requirements must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Proper installation and configuration of R (>= 3.6.0)
  • Proper installation and configuration of an RStudio Integrated Development Environment
  • Installation of the Rnssp R package

The development version of the Rnssp R package can be installed from Github using the devtools or the remotes R package:

# install the Rnssp package using devtools
devtools::install_github("cdcgov/Rnssp") # devtools::install_github("cdcgov/Rnssp", force = TRUE)


# install the Rnssp package using remotes
remotes::install_github("cdcgov/Rnssp") # remotes::install_github("cdcgov/Rnssp", force = TRUE)

Shown below is a demo of the installation of the Rnssp R package using the devtools R package.
