See Readme
June 8th, 2023; version 5.4.2; updated by Marko Bajic
Version 5.0: Major update made in library prep from NexteraXT to Flex protocol.
Table of contents
This document provides information for an application for Illumina technology that has been demonstrated internally and may be of interest to external groups. This information is provided as‐is and is not an Illumina or CDC endorsed product and is not accompanied by any rights or warranties.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describing how to prepare and sequence the full length P. falciparum genes associated with antimalarial resistance on the Illumina MiSeq.
Human malaria is caused by six Plasmodium species: Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), P. vivax (Pv), P. malariae (Pm), P. ovale (Po) (P.o. curtisi and P.o. wallikeri) and P. knowlesi (Pk), which although zoonotic, can cause human infections in several South East Asian countries. Two of these, Pf and Pv, pose the greatest threat to global public health. About 3.2 billion people, half of the world's population, are at risk for malaria. In 2021, there were an estimated 247 million malaria cases in 84 malaria endemic countries, causing an estimated 619,000 deaths. In the U.S., an estimated 1,500 - 2,000 cases of malaria are imported annually. One of the greatest public health challenges for malaria control and elimination is the threat of drug resistant Pf parasites.
Previously effective anti-malarial treatments, chloroquine (CQ) and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP), are ineffective in many regions. Even more alarming, resistance to the least effective class of anti-malarial drugs, called artemisinins, has now emerged and spread in Southeast Asia, threatening malaria control and prevention programs globally.
Identifying and tracking drug resistance is critical for providing appropriate malaria prophylaxis and treatment guidelines. Molecular markers of resistance are available for several anti-malarial drugs, including artemisinins. Surveillance using molecular markers provides a robust system for the detection and tracking of resistant malaria parasites.
Below is a table of the major antimalarials and their associated with resistance molecular marker.
Table 1. Antimalarials and associated resistance molecular markers
Antimalarial | Molecular Marker (Gene) | Location |
Chloroquine | Pfcrt | Chr 7 |
Artemisinin | Pfk13 | Chr 13 |
Atovaquone | Pfcytb | Mitochondria |
Amodiaquine, lumefantrine, quinine | Pfmdr1 | Chr 5 |
Pyrimethamine | Pfdhfr | Chr 4 |
Sulfadoxine | Pfdhps | Chr 8 |
Chr = chromosome; Pfcrt = Plasmodium falicparum chloroquine resistance transporter; Pfk13 = Plasmodium falicparum kelch 13; Pfcytb = Plasmodium falicparum cytochrome b; Pfmdr1 = Plasmodium falicparum multidrug resistance protein 1; Pfdhfr = Plasmodium falicparum bifunctional dihydrofolate reductase thymidylate synthase; Pfdhps = Plasmodium falicparum dydroxymethyldihydropterin pyrophosphokinase-dihydropteroate synthase;
Please ensure all the necessary user‐supplied consumables and equipment are available before proceeding to sample preparation.
Table 2. User‐Supplied Consumables
Consumable | Supplier |
Non-powdered sterile gloves | General lab supplier |
Laboratory coat | General lab supplier |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes | General lab supplier |
10 µL barrier pipette tips | General lab supplier |
10 µL multichannel pipettes | General lab supplier |
10 µL single channel pipettes | General lab supplier |
20 µL barrier pipette tips | General lab supplier |
20 µL multichannel pipettes | General lab supplier |
20 µL single channel pipettes | General lab supplier |
200 µL barrier pipette tips | General lab supplier |
200 µL multichannel pipettes | General lab supplier |
200 µL single channel pipettes | General lab supplier |
1000 µL barrier pipette tips | General lab supplier |
1000 µL multichannel pipettes | General lab supplier |
1000 µL single channel pipettes | General lab supplier |
PCR grade water | General lab supplier |
RNase/DNase‐free 8‐well PCR strip tubes and caps | General lab supplier |
[Optional] Disposable Polystyrene Reservoirs | General lab supplier (Thomas Scientific Catalog #55501080) |
2X ABI TaqMan environmental buffer w/ Rox dye | Applied Biosystems Catalog #4396838 |
Strip tubes 8X | Agilent Catalog #410022 |
Strip Optical caps 8X | Agilent Catalog #410024 |
Hardshell® 96‐well PCR Plates, clear semi skirted | Bio-Rad Catalog #HSS9601 |
Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase | NEB Catalog #M0530L |
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix | NEB Catalog #N0447L |
Amplicon PCR Forward Primer (Standard desalting) | (See tables 2-7) |
Amplicon PCR Reverse Primer (Standard desalting) | (See tables 2-7) |
Lonza SeaKem® LE Agarose | Lonza Catalog #50004 |
Nucleic Acid gel stain | Biotum GelRed™ Nucleic Acid Gel Stain |
DNA gel loading dye | Yakva Scientific 6X Orange-G Gel Loading Buffer #YSG |
Quick-Load 1 kb DNA ladder | NEB Catalog #N0468 |
UltraPure™ 10X TBE Buffer | Fisher Scientific Catalog #15581-044 |
AMPure XP beads for PCR Purification | Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, Catalog #A63881 |
Illumina DNA Prep library kit | Illumina, Catalog #20018705 (96 samples), or #20018704 (24 samples) |
*IDT® for Illumina® DNA UD Index kits (plate) | Illumina, Catalog #20027213 (Index set A), #20027214 (Index set B), #20027215 (Index set C), and #20027216 (Index set D). |
200 Proof Ethanol | Decon Labs, Inc. Catalog #2716 |
AlumaSeal II aluminum seals | Excel Scientific, Inc. Catalog #AF100 |
Clear, 8-strip PCR tubes domed caps | LabSource, Catalog #T54-203-CS/10PK MFG# - 321-10-062 |
96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate | Fisher Scientific, Catalog #7-200-720 |
Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit | Life Technologies Corporation Catalog #Q32854 |
Qubit™ Assay Tubes | Thermo Fisher Scientific Catalog #Q32856 |
Agilent High Sensitivity D5000 ScreenTape | Agilent Technologies, Catalog #5067-5592 |
Agilent High Sensitivity D5000 Reagents | Agilent Technologies, Catalog #5067-5593 |
Agilent High Sensitivity D5000 Ladder | Agilent Technologies, Catalog #5067-5594 |
1N NaOH | Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Catalog #SX0607H-6 |
Tris Hydrochloride, 1M Solution (pH 7.0/Mol. Biol.) | Thermo Fisher Scientific Catalog #BP1756-100 |
MiSeq Reagent Kit V2 500 cycle kit | Illumina Catalog #MS-102-2003 |
MiSeq Reagent V2 Nano Kit 500 cycle | Illumina Catalog #MS-103-1003 |
If you plan to pool >96 samples, you will need the Index Kit Set A, B, C, and D to provide unique multiplex combinations of indices
Table 3. User‐Supplied Equipment
Equipment | Supplier |
2-8°C Refrigerator | General lab supplier |
-20°C Refrigerator | General lab supplier |
Vortex | General lab supplier |
4x Eppendorf PCR Cooler, iceless cold storage system for 96 well plates and PCR tubes | Sigma-Aldrich, Inc (Z606634-1EA) |
Agilent ABI7500 or equivalent real-time PCR machine | Agilent Technologies, Catalog #4351106 |
96‐well thermal cycler (with heated lid) | General lab supplier |
Electrophoresis rig | General lab supplier |
Magnetic stand‐96 or 96S Super Magnet Plate | Life Technologies, Catalog #AM10027 or Alpaqua SKU A001322 |
Microplate centrifuge | General lab supplier |
Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer (or equivalent) | Life Technologies Corporation, Catalog #Q33216 |
Agilent D4150 TapeStation System (or equivalent) | Agilent Technologies, Catalog #G2992AA |
MiSeq Desktop Sequencer | Illumina Inc. |
NOTE: The hands-on times are based on using 96-well format plates for each step.
PET-PCR Sample Quality Check
Real-time PCR hands-on time 30 min / 96 samples; Cycle time 1.2 hours
Reagents: Primers, 2X ABI TaqMan buffer, DNase PCR free water
PCR Reaction to Generate Amplicons
PCR hands-on time 30 min / 96 samples; Cycle time 2.5 hours
Reagents: 10 µM Primers, HF Phusion Taq, 5X GC Buffer, 10 mM dNTPs, DNase PCR free water
Analysis of PCR Amplicons
PCR amplicon electrophoresis hands-on time 10 min / 8 samples; Gel running time 30 min
Reagents: Agarose, DNA loading dye, 1 kb DNA ladder, 1X TBE Buffer
If <20 samples, run all samples on the gel; If >20 samples, pick 20 samples with varying CT values and run on the gel
PCR Amplicons Clean-Up
Hands on time 30 min / 96 samples; Total time 40+ min / 96 samples
Reagents: AMPure XP beads, fresh 70% EtOH, Nuclease-free water
Tagment Genomic DNA and Tagmentation Clean-Up
Hands on time 60 min / 96 samples; Total time 34 min / 8 samples
Reagents: BLT, TB1, TSB, TWB
[optional] To assess tagmentation, run 1 µL sample on Agilent Bioanalyzer 2X and/or TapeStation 2X using High Sensitivity DNA chip
Amplification of Tagmented DNA (Library Indexing)
Hands on time 35 min / 96 samples; Cycle time 38 min / 96 samples
Reagents: EPM, Nuclease-free water, Index 1 and 2 primers
Library PCR Clean-Up
Hands on time 30 min / 96 samples; Total time 40+ min / 96 samples
Reagents: SPB, RSB, Nuclease-free water, fresh 80% EtOH
Library Pooling, Quantification, and Normalization
Hands on time 30+ min / 96 samples; Total time 40+ min / 96 samples
Reagents: Sample Buffer, D5000 Ladder, ScreenTape; Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer and Reagent, Standard #1 and #2
Library Denaturing and MiSeq Sample Loading
Hands on time 30 min / pooled samples; Total time 30 min / pooled samples
Reagents: Resuspension Buffer, HT1, 0.2N NaOH, PhiX Control Kit v3, 200 mM Tris-HCl pH7.0
Analysis of NGS data
Hands on time 5 min / 96 samples; Total time 15-25 min / 96 samples
Method: MaRS analysis pipeline
Standardized SNPs Reports Generated
This step uses a real time PCR assay, PET-PCR, to assess the quality and quantity of starting DNA material. The readout includes an estimation of all DNA in the sample, host and parasite.
Table 4. PET-PCR Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
Primers – FAM labled genus and HEX labeled falciparum (see below) | 0.25-0.5 µL per sample | 2° to 8°C |
TaqMan 2X Environmental buffer | 10 µL per sample | 2° to 8°C |
Nuclease-free water | 6.25 µL per sample | Room temperature |
Strip tubes 8X | Up to 8 samples per strip | Room temperature |
Strip Optical caps 8X | Up to 8 samples per strip | Room temperature |
Initial Set up
Primers and PCR Conditions
The table below shows the Genus and P. falciparum primers and PCR conditions for a multiplex reaction:
Table 5. Multiplexing Genus and P. falciparum species specific primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
Water | 6.25 µL | ||
2X ABI TaqMan buffer | 10.00 µL | 1x | |
Genus F | 0.50 µL | 0.250 µM | |
FAM-genus R | 0.50 µL | 0.250 µM | |
P.f. F | 0.50 µL | 0.250 µM | |
HEX-P.f. R | 0.25 µL | 0.125 µM | |
TOTAL | 18.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
DNA | 2.0 µL |
Primer (5' to 3'):
Genus 18sFor (5' to 3'): 5'-GGCCTAACATGGCTATGACG-3'
Genus 18sRev (5' to 3'): 5'-aggcgcatagcgcctggCTGCCTTCCTTAGATGTGGTAGCT-3' (FAM-labeled: based on the 18s rRNA gene)
P. falciparum For (5' to 3'): 5'-ACCCCTCGCCTGGTGTTTTT-3'
P. falciparum Rev (5' to 3'): 5'-aggcggataccgcctggTCGGGCCCCAAAAATAGGAA-3' (HEX-labeled: based on the r364 target)
Thermocyclying conditions:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 95°C | 15:00 |
2 | 95°C | 0:20 |
3 | 63°C | 0:40 |
4 | 72°C | 0:30 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 44 cycles (45 total) |
5 | 4°C | Infinity |
Adding the DNA Samples
Mix the prepared master-mix well by vortexing briefly.
Centrifuge the tubes for 5 seconds to remove any solution trapped in the cap.
Arrange the optically clear PCR tubes on a PCR-tube rack following the PCR sample sheet. Add 18 µL of the PET-PCR master mix prepared above to each PCR well. Loosely put on the lids of the wells filled with master mix solution.
Return all reagents to the freezer and refrigerator before proceeding to the next step.
Take the assembled plate containing the tubes with PCR master mix solution to the PCR template area.
Add 2 µL of the unknown DNA samples to the wells with the master-mix according to the sample sheet. Cap the well tightly after adding the sample. The total volume of PCR reaction is 20.0 µL after addition of the template.
Add positive control DNA to each positive control well with master-mix. Cap the wells after each positive control is added.
Add 2.0 µL of DNase-free water to the wells designated as the no-template control (NTC) and close that well tightly.
Make sure each sample has been added to the correct well and that all wells are tightly capped.
Briefly centrifuge your strip tubes to remove any solution trapped on the walls of the wells.
Make sure there are no bubbles in the well.
PCR-Cycling Parameters
Start the real-time PCR thermocycler according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
Program the software to detect fluorescence through FAM, HEX and ROX filters all wells. ROX is to be detected as a reference dye.
Program the software to run the cycling conditions shown under table 5.
Fluorescence data should be collected at the amplification plateau.
Interpreting Results
Use default settings to set the dye thresholds.
If the calculated thresholds are located within the background noise, they should be manually set to a level slightly higher than the background. Such alterations should be done with only one dye displayed at the time.
Positive specimens are those that yield a fluorescence signal above the threshold value in the wells where samples or controls were loaded
For more information, please see: Lucchi, N.W., et al., Molecular diagnosis of malaria by photo-induced electron transfer fluorogenic primers: PET-PCR. PLoS One, 2013. 8 (2): p. e56677.
We highly recommend using at least three positive controls with known SNP profiles. These will be first analyzed to confirm the known SNPs and ensure the rest of the sequencing run was successful.
We routinely use the following controls:
Control strain | Pfcrt | Pfmdr1 | Pfdhfr | Pfdhps | Pfk13 |
7G8 | SVMNT | NEDFCDY | CICNI | SGKAA | wild type |
DD2 | CVIET | Y/FEDFCDY | CIRNI | SGKAA | wild type |
HB3 | CVMNK | Y/FEDFCDY | CICTI | SGKAA | wild type |
BOLD indicates codon position with mutations
Codon positions:Pfcrt :72-76; Pfmdr1 :86,130, 144, 184, 1034, 1042, 1109, 1246; Pfdhfr : 50, 51, 59, 108, 164; Pfk13 : 18 - 715
Controls can be ordered directly through BEI:
This step uses PCR to amplify template from a DNA sample using region of interest-specific primers.
User‐defined forward and reverse primers are used to amplify templates from genomic DNA. A subsequent limited‐cycle amplification step is performed to add multiplexing indices and Illumina sequencing adapters. Libraries are normalized and pooled, and sequenced on the MiSeq system using v2 reagents.
Initial Set up
Pre-PCR master mix prep
PCR plate set up
Set up PCR reaction consisting of water, GC Buffer, dNTPs, primers, Phusion High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, and DNA in the order given in Tables 6.1 – 6.6:
Seal plates and/or PCR tubes.
Once tubes and/or plates are sealed, keep them in the Eppendorf PCR Cooler plates.
Pre-heat the thermal cycler to 98°C prior to placing PCR plates and/or PCR tubes into the thermal cycler. Pre-heating to 98°C should take 0:30 of the 3:00 min.
Primers and PCR Conditions
The tables below show primers and PCR conditions for the following antimalarial drug resistance associated genes: Pfcrt 6.1, Pfk13 6.2, mitochondria 6.3, Pfcytb 6.3a, Pfdhps 6.4, Pfdhfr 6.5, Pfmdr1 6.6. Genes for parasite fingerprinting: Pfs47 6.7, and Pfcpmp 6.8
IMPORTANT: While the master mix conditions will be the same for all genes, the thermocycling conditions will differ, specifically the annealing temperatures.
Table 6.1. Gene: Pfcrt (3,109 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_crt-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_crt-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfcrt; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 62°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.2. Pfk13 (2,181 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_k13-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_k13-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfk13; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 58°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.3. Mitochondria (5,967 bp); Primers at 10 µM
NOTE: If experiencing issues with amplifying the full-length mitochondrial genome, consider amplifying only the cyt-b gene instead for characterizing molecular markers associated with Malarone (atovaquone/proguanil) resistance. See Table 6.3a below.
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_mit-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_mit-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Mitochondria; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 50°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 6:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.3a. Cytochrome b (937 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_cytb-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_cytb-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for cytochrome b; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 60°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 3:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.4. Pfmdr1 (4,155 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_mdr1-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_mdr1-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfmdr1; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 60°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.5. Pfdhfr (2,067 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_dhfr-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_dhfr-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfdhfr; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 58°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Primers adapted from: SC, Carlton JM. 2016. A Method for Amplicon Deep Sequencing of Drug Resistance Genes in Plasmodium falciparum Clinical Isolates from India. J Clin Microbiol 54:1500–1511.
Table 6.6. Pfdhps (2,817 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_dhps-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_dhps-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfdhps; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 58°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Primers adapted from: SC, Carlton JM. 2016. A Method for Amplicon Deep Sequencing of Drug Resistance Genes in Plasmodium falciparum Clinical Isolates from India. J Clin Microbiol 54:1500–1511.
Table 6.7. Pfs47 (1,320 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_pfs47-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_pfs47-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfs47; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
3 | 58°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 6.8. Pfcpmp (425 bp); Primers at 10 µM
Master mix | Reaction volume | x samples + 10% | Final [conc] |
5X GC Buffer | 10.0 µL | 1x | |
dNTPs (10 mM) | 1.0 µL | 0.2 nM | |
mars_cpmp-fwd | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
mars_cpmp-rev | 1.25 µL | 0.25 µM | |
Water | 32.0 µL | ||
Add last | |||
HF Phusion Taq | 0.5 µL | 1 unit | |
TOTAL | 46.0 µL | ||
Add | |||
Template DNA | 4.0 µL per well | ||
TOTAL | 50.0 µL | 50 - 250 ng |
Primers (5'to 3'):
Thermocyclying conditions for Pfcpmp; Primers at 10 µM:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 98°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 0:30 |
3 | 54°C | 0:30 |
4 | 65°C | 5:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 29 cycles (30 total) |
5 | 65°C | 10:00 |
6 | 4°C | Infinity |
SAFE STOPPING POINT If you do not immediately proceed to Electrophoresis, seal plate with adhesive seal and store it at 2° to 8°C for up to a week.
This step is necessary to ensure successful amplification of amplicons. It is recommended to run at least 25% of the total samples, all no-template and negative controls on the gel to confirm amplification was successful and no contamination occurred. Please note PCR amplification can be affected by numerous factors, including but not limited to, DNA quality and quantity.
First run only the positive, no-template and negative controls.
If unexpected results are obtained, record the time and information in your notebook, then toss the samples. Amplification will need to be repeated I: Gene PCR Amplification
If expected results are obtained, move on to running at minimum 25% of the samples along with the positive, NTC and NC.
Of the 25% total samples, ensure to select representative samples of varying parasitemia levels (based on PET-PCR CTs or microsopy data).
Table 7a. Electrophoresis Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
Agarose | 1g (for a 1% gel) | Room temperature |
1x solution of 10X TBE Buffer and deionized water | 100 mL (for a 1% gel) | Room temperature |
Nucleic Acid Gel Stain | 5 µL per 100 mL of buffer | Room temperature |
Orange Dye | 2 µL per 8 µL PCR product | Room temperature |
Choose an Erlenmeyer flask that is 2-4 times the volume of the solution and place a stirring rod into the flask.
Weigh the agar to the desired concentration.
Add the appropriate amount of buffer for the desired concentration.
Dissolve the agar in the microwave by heating the solution on high power until it comes to a boil. Watch the solution closely; DO NOT allow solution to boil over.
Remove the flask with pot holders and gently swirl to re-suspend any settled agar.
Repeat steps 4-5 until all the agar is dissolved (no transparent agarose clumps should be present).
Allow the solution to cool on a stirring plate until you can comfortably hold the flask with your hands.
Using a 10 µL pipette, add nucleic acid gel stain to the solution. For every 100 mL of buffer, add 5 µL of gel stain. Swirl solution to mix, making sure as little bubbles as possible are created.
Pour the cooled solution into the gel device and ensure no bubbles are present. Place the comb into the gel and allow the gel to sit undisturbed for at least 15 minutes or until the gel has become firm (the color will change from clear to slightly milky in color).
When gel has solidified, ensure the wells are aligned with the black (negative) nodes on the electrophoresis chamber and fill with buffer until it covers about a centimeter above the gel. Remove the comb by pulling it gently into an upward direction.
Combine a mixture of 2 µL of orange dye and 8 µL of each sample and load 8 µL of that mixture into each well.
Be sure to include a 1 kb and 100 bp reference dye ladders, one on each side of the gel (no orange dye necessary).
Place the lid on the chamber box and connect the black node to the negative terminal and the red node to the positive terminal. Turn on the power supply and adjust the voltage to 100-130 volts.
Run gel for 40-45 minutes; check the gel at 40 min; the samples should nearly reach the end of the gel. DO NOT allow samples to run off the gel.
Turn off the power supply, disconnect the electrodes, and remove the lid from the gel device.
Remove the gel from the chamber and take to the gel reading station for analysis.
Once amplification is confirmed, the samples can proceed to PCR amplicon Clean-Up.
This step uses AMPure XP beads to clean up your PCR amplicon gene product(s). You can locate Agencourt AMPure XP PCR Purification Instructions for Use. PLEASE SEE VENDOR PROTOCOL HERE.
Table 8. PCR Amplicon Purification Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
AMPure XP beads | 90 µL per 50 µL of sample | 2°C to 8°C |
Freshly Prepared 70% Ethanol (EtOH) | 400 µL per sample | Room temperature |
Nuclease free water; # 25-055-CM | 40 µL per sample | Room temperature |
96‐well 0.2 mL PCR plate | 1 plate | |
[Optional] Microseal 'B' film | ||
96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate | 1 plate |
Determine whether or not a plate transfer is necessary. If the PCR reaction volume multiplied by 2.8 exceeds the volume of the PCR plate, a transfer to a 300 µL round bottom plate or a 1.2 mL deep-well plate is required.
Bring the AMPure XP beads to room temperature- wait at least 30 minutes.
Once at room temperature, shake the Agencourt AMPure XP bottle to re-suspend any magnetic particles that may have settled. Ensure magnetic beads are well (evenly) distributed before adding them to samples.
Thaw RSB at room temperature.
NOTE: Proceed very cautiously during this procedure and take your time.
NOTE: 70% ethanol is hygroscopic. That is, when opened the ethanol will both evaporate and absorb water over time. Re-use eventually will be at a lower concentration. There is also miscibility involved with ethanol and water. For example, measuring out 80 mL of ethanol and topping off to 100 mL with water will generate ~65% ethanol. Measuring 80 mL ethanol and 20 mL water separately, then combining them will generate ~95 mL of 70% ethanol. Make sure to use molecular biology grade water (DNAse, RNase and Protease free).
Centrifuge the Library Amplification plates at 1,000 × g at 20°C for 1 minute to collect condensation, carefully remove seal.
Combine (pool) each PCR gene amplicon into a new 96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate using table 7b below.
Note: The PCR efficiency for each of the genes varies (Pfk13 > Pfdhfr > Pfdhps > Pfmdr1 > Pfcrt; highest to lowest PCR efficiency). Thus, its important to add approximately the same total concentration of each PCR gene amplicon to each pool of gene amplicons. Using the gel from QC by Electrophoresis, use the gel analyzer program to determine estimated concentration of your genes. Based on this analysis, adjust the total volume added of each gene, making sure to always add at minimum 5 µL from each gene PCR amplicon to the final pool.
Table 7b. Amounts for pooling PCR amplicons
Item | Quantity | Storage |
2 genes | combine 25 µL each | 2° to 8°C |
3 genes | combine 16 µL each | 2° to 8°C |
4 genes | combine 12.5 µL each | 2° to 8°C |
5 or more genes | combine 10 µL each | 2° to 8°C |
This should yield a total of 50 µL of combined PCR gene product.
Gently shake the AMPure XP beads for 30 seconds to make sure that the beads are evenly dispersed. Add an appropriate volume of beads to a trough depending on the number of samples being processed and desired fragment selection. The Illumina DNA Prep library kits typically yield insert sizes around the 500 bp range.
NOTE To maximize recovery of smaller fragments from the bead cleanup step, use the following conditions (AMPure XP volume calculations in the table below are based on 50 µL sample volume):
Input Size (bp) | AMPure XP Recommendation | AMPure XP Volume (µL) |
< 300 | 1.8x AMPure XP | 90.0 |
300 - 500 | 1.8x AMPure XP | 90.0 |
500 | 0.6x AMPure XP | 30.0 |
gDNA | 0.6x AMPure XP | 30.0 |
Using a multichannel pipette, add an appropriate volume of beads per sample based on your input size. While adding the beads to the samples, gently pipette the entire volume up and down 10 times. Change tips between columns.
Incubate the mixed samples at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Place the library amplification plate on a magnetic stand for 2 minutes. WAIT for the solution to clear before proceeding.
With the library amplification plate on the magnetic stand, use a multichannel pipette to carefully remove and discard all the supernatant. Change tips between samples.
DO NOT disturb the magnetic beads.
With the library amplification plate on the magnetic stand, wash the beads with freshly prepared 70% ethanol as follows:
A. Using a multichannel pipette, add 200 µL of freshly prepared 70% ethanol to each sample well.
B. Incubate the plate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds at room temperature.
C. Carefully remove excess ethanol using a P20 multichannel pipette.
NOTE: The beads are not drawn out easily when in alcohol, so it is not necessary to leave any supernatant behind.
With the library amplification plate still on the magnetic stand, perform a second ethanol was as follows:
A. Using a multichannel pipette, add 180 µL of freshly prepared 70% ethanol to each sample well.
B. Incubate the plate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds at room temperature.
C. Carefully remove excess ethanol using a P20 multichannel pipette.
D. Use a P20 multichannel pipette with fine pipette tips to remove excess ethanol.
With the library amplification plate still on the magnetic stand, allow the beads to air-dry for at least 3 minutes, then check every 2 minutes until no ethanol remains.
NOTE: Make sure not to over dry the beads. Bead pellets will appear cracked if over dried.
Remove the library amplification plate from the magnetic stand. Using a multichannel pipette, add 32 µL nuclease free water (# 25-055-CM, Cell Culture Grade Water, Sterile) to each well of the library amplification plate. While adding the nuclease free water to the beads, gently pippete mix the beads and water up and down 10 times. Change tips after each column.
Incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes.
Place the plate back on the magnetic stand for 2 minutes or until the supernatant has cleared.
Using a multichannel pipette, carefully transfer 30 µL of the supernatant from the Library amplification plate to a new 96‐well PCR plate. Change tips between samples to avoid cross‐contamination.
If you do not plan to proceed to Tagment Genomic DNA, seal the plate with Microseal "B" adhesive seal. Store the plate at ‐15° to ‐25°C for up to a week.
The tagmentation step uses the Bead-Linked Transposomes (BLT) to tagment DNA. This process fragments and tags the DNA with adapter sequences. The Post Tagmentation Clean up step washes the adapter-tagged DNA on the BLT before PCR amplification. See How on-bead tagementation works
Table 9. Tagment Genomic DNA Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
TB1 (Tagmentation Buffer 1) | 10 µL per sample | -15°C to -25°C |
BLT (Bead -Linked Transposome) | 10 µL per sample | 2°C to 8°C |
TSB (Tagment Stop Buffer) | 10 µL per sample | 15°C to 30°C |
TWB (Tagment Wash Buffer) | 300 µL per sample | 15°C to 30°C |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes | Varies | Room temperature |
96-well 0.2 mL PCR plate | Varies | Room temperature |
Microseal "A" and "B" film | Varies | Room temperature |
If not completed already, carefully pool an equal amount of each gene's corresponding sample into the same well of a half skirt plate to reach a total of 30 µL before continuing
Add appropriate volume of DNA as obtained from gDNA dilution calculator to each well of a 96-well PCR plate so that the total input amount (100 - 1000 ng) is within the desired range. If DNA volume <30 µL, add nuclease-free molecular grade water to the DNA samples to bring the total volume to 30 µL. Add DNA to the molecular-grade water and mix well by gently pipetting approximately 5-10 times
Vortex BLT for a minimum of 10 seconds and ensure proper suspension of beads, repeat if necessary. Do not centrifuge
Be sure all samples are mixed thoroughly by pipetting gently 10 times.
Bring BLT (from refrigerator) and TB1 (from freezer) to room temperature.
NOTE: Ensure that BLT is stored upright at all times, so that the beads remain submerged in the buffer. BLT must be stored at temperatures above 2°C. Do not use BLT that has been stored below 2°C and ensure that it is never frozen.
Label a 96-well PCR plate, or equivalent, with Run ID
Set up thermal cycler and choose preheat lid option:
Thermocycler Program: "Flex 1" with reaction volume set to 50ul and choose the preheat lid option set to 100°C
Flex 1 |
55°C for 15 min |
10°C for Infinity |
Check TSB for precipitate (if present, warm at 37°C for up to 10 minutes and vortex) and ensure it is at room temperature
Set up thermal cycler and choose preheat lid option:
Thermocycler Program: "Flex 2" with reaction volume set to 60ul and choose the preheat lid option set to 100°C
Flex 2 |
37°C for 15 min |
10°C for Infinity |
Table 9a. PCR Tagmentation Master Mix Table 9a
Reagent | Volume (µL) per sample |
TB1 | 10 µL |
BLT | 10 µL |
Procedure: Tagment Genomic DNA
Prepare tagmentation master mix based on Table 9a above.
Vortex the tagmentation master mix well. If the master mix was set up in a trough, pipette mix instead.
Add 20 µL of master mix to each sample well and mix well by resuspending the beads 10 times. Do not spin the plate.
Seal the plate with Microseal B (or equivalent) and incubate the plate on the pre-programmed thermal cycler setting "Flex 1" with volume set to 50 µL and lid heated option at 100°C:
Flex 1 |
55°C for 15 min |
10°C for Infinity |
Again, check TSB for precipitate (if present, warm at 37°C for up to 10 minutes and vortex) and ensure it is at room temperature.
Add 10 µL of TSB to each sample with a multichannel pipet and pipet gently 10 times to mix and re-suspend the beads.
Seal the plate with Microseal A (or equivalent) and incubate the plate on the pre-programmed thermal cycler setting "Flex 2" with volume set to 60 µL and lid heated option at 100°C:
Flex 2 |
37°C for 15 min |
10°C for Infinity |
While samples are incubating, thaw EPM on ice and thaw indices at room temperature.
After incubation, remove from thermal cycler, quick spin the plate, remove microseal, and transfer the 60 µL sample volumes to a new 96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate, and place on a magnet for 3 minutes until solution is clear (or until beads form a tight pellet).
Using a multichannel pipette set at 100 µL, remove and discard supernatant.
Complete steps A - D below two times:
A. Remove the sample plate from the magnetic stand and add 100 µL TWB directly onto the beads.
B. Set multichannel pipet to 90 µL and pipette slowly until beads are fully resuspended. If necessary, scrape the side of the well with the pipette tips to re-suspend the beads.
C. Place the plate on the magnetic stand and wait until the solution is clear (~3 minutes).
D. Using a multichannel pipette set at 110 µL, remove and discard supernatant.
Remove the plate from the magnetic stand and add 100 µL TWB.
Pipette each sample well slowly to resuspend the beads.
Place on the magnetic stand until the solution is clear (~3 minutes). Allow TWB to remain in the wells (to prevent drying of beads) and proceed to amplification steps.
This step amplifies the tagmented DNA using a limited-cycle PCR program. The PCR step adds Index 1 (i7) adapters, Index 2 (i5) adapters, and sequences required for sequencing cluster generation.
Table 10. Amplification of Tagmented DNA (Library Indexing) Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
EPM (Enhanced PCR Mix) | 20 µL per sample | -15°C to -25°C |
Index 1 adapters (plate) | 10 µL per sample | -15°C to -25°C |
Nuclease-free water | 20 µL per sample | Room temperature |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tube | Varies | Room temperature |
Microseal "A" film | Varies | Room temperature |
Index 1 adaptors: Catalog #20018708 (96 samples) or #20018707 (24 samples)
Using the samples suspended in the 100 µL of TWB from the Post Tagmentation Clean-Up step, follow the procedure outlined below.
Set up thermal cycler and choose preheat lid option:
Thermocycler Program: "Flex 3" with reaction volume set to 50ul and choose the preheat lid option set to 100°C:
Step | Temperature | Time (min) |
1 | 68°C | 3:00 |
2 | 98°C | 3:00 |
3 | 98°C | 0:45 |
4 | 62°C | 0:30 |
5 | 68°C | 2:00 |
Repeat Steps 2-4 for 4 cycles (5 total) | ||
6 | 68°C | 1:00 |
7 | 4°C | Infinity |
Table 10. PCR Master Mix
Reagent | Volume (µL) per sample |
EPM | 20 µL |
Molecular Grade Water | 20 µL |
Briefly vortex the thawed EPM immediately before use.
Prepare the PCR master mix based on Table 10 above.
NOTE: It is recommended to increase the number of samples during master mix calculation by 10% to ensure sufficient master mix volume.
Vortex and quick spin the PCR master mix.
Using a multichannel pipette set at 200 µL remove TWB from beads. Use a small volume pipette to ensure removal of residual TWB before proceeding.
NOTE: Removal of TWB is crucial, as it can impede PCR. However, any foam remaining on the wells will not negatively impact the library.
Remove from the magnet and immediately add 40 µL of PCR master mix to each sample and gently pipet to mix, re-suspending the pellet. If necessary, scrape the side of the well with the pipette tips to resuspend the beads. Transfer the 40 µL sample volumes to a new PCR plate.
Add 10 µL of appropriate index pair from indices plate to each sample well.
NOTE: It is recommended to pierce the foil of the desired well on the index plate with a new 200 µL pipet tip, then to use a fresh pipette tip to withdraw the indices from the wells, followed by re- sealing the index plate with a new foil cover (i.e. Microseal F) after each use. Make sure that the index is oriented correctly. Handle plate gently to maintain index at the bottom of the plate. If not, spin plate to make sure that index is towards bottom of the plate.
NOTE: Index should be added as next available down the columns.
Using a multichannel pipette set at 40 µL mix by pipetting a minimum of 10 times.
Seal the plate with Microseal A (or equivalent) and place the plate on the pre-programmed thermal cycler setting "Flex 3" with volume set to 50 µL and lid heated option at 100°C.
The plate may be sealed with Microseal B or equivalent and stored at 2°C to 8°C for up to 3 days. If you choose to continue, please proceed to Library PCR Clean-Up.
This step uses Sample purification beads to clean up the final library before quantification.
Table 11. Library PCR Purification Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
RSB (Resuspension Buffer) | 32 µL per sample | -15° to -25°C (after initial thaw, can keep at 2° to 8°C |
SPB (Sample Purification Beads) | 40.8 µL per sample | 2° to 8°C |
Freshly Prepared 80% Ethanol (EtOH) | 44.2 µL per sample | Room temperature |
96‐well 0.2 mL PCR plate | Varies | Room temperature |
Nuclease-free water | Varies | Room temperature |
Microseal 'B' film and 'F' foil | Varies | Room temperature |
96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate | Varies | Room temperature |
96-well 0.2 mL PCR plate | Varies | Room temperature |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tube | Varies | Room temperature |
Thaw RSB at room temperature and vortex to mix. For future use, it is recommended to aliquot RSB into a smaller volume container (such as a 1.5 mL tube) to reduce thawing times.
Bring the SPB to room temperature- wait at least 30 minutes. Once at room temperature, vortex and invert the beads several times to re-suspend any particles that may have settled. Ensure magnetic beads are well (evenly) distributed before adding them to samples.
NOTE: Proceed very cautiously during this procedure and take your time to ensure as little bubble formation as possible.
Prepare a fresh dilution stock of 80% ethanol sufficient for all samples:
Reagent | Volume (ml) per sample | Example: 20 samples |
100% ethanol | 0.4 | 8 mL |
Molecular grade water | 0.1 | 2 mL |
Table 11. SPB Master Mix
Reagent | Volume (µL) per sample |
SPB | 40.8 |
Molecular grade water | 44.2 |
Centrifuge the Library Amplification and Index PCR plate at 280 × g at 20°C for 1 minute to collect condensation, carefully remove seal.
Prepare SPB master mix in a 2 mL tube based on Table 11a above.
Transfer the 50 µL sample volumes to a new 96‐well U-Shaped-Bottom Microplate. Place sample plate on the magnet for 5 minutes (or until beads have formed a tight pellet).
Transfer 45 µL of supernatant (now containing the DNA) to new deep well plate.
Remove sample plate from the magnet.
Vortex SPB master mix thoroughly.
Using a multichannel pipette mix briefly and add 85 µL of SPB master mix to each sample and pipette mix a minimum of 10 times.
NOTE: Use caution when mixing as the volume will be >100 µL.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes .
Place on the magnet for 3-5 minutes (or until beads form a tight pellet).
During incubation re-vortex the stock SPB.
After incubation, while keeping the plate still on the magnet, transfer 120 µL of supernatant - which now contains the library DNA - to new wells. If desired, up to 125 µL of supernatant can be transferred
Remove the plate from the magnet and add 14.4 µL of stock SPB solution to the supernatant. If volume other than 105 µL was used, then maintain a bead ratio of 0.12x.
With multichannel pipette set to 100 µL, gently pipet 10 times to mix.
Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.
Place on magnet for 3-5 minutes (or until beads form a tight pellet and supernatant clears).
With multichannel pipette set to 200 µL, remove and discard supernatant (DNA is now bound to the beads).
With the Library amplification plate on the magnetic stand, perform steps A - C below twice (for a total of two washes):
A. Add 170 µL of fresh 80% ethanol. (DO NOT add directly to the bead, and DO NOT mix).
B. Incubate the plate on the magnetic stand for 30 seconds.
C. Carefully remove and discard all the ethanol.
Use a P20 multichannel pipette with fine pipette tips to remove excess ethanol.
With the Library amplification plate still on the magnetic stand, allow the beads to air‐dry for 3-5 minutes.
NOTE: Make sure not to over dry the beads. Bead pellets will appear cracked if over dried. If cracking is observed, immediately re-suspend beads as described below regardless of drying time.
Remove the plate from the magnetic stand and add 32 µL RSB to each well of the plate and gently pipet a minimum of 10 times to thoroughly mix.
Incubate at room temperature for 2-5 minutes.
Place the plate back on the magnetic stand for 3 minutes or until the supernatant has cleared.
Using a multichannel pipette, carefully transfer 25 µL of the supernatant from the Library amplification plate to a new 96‐well PCR plate. Change tips between samples to avoid cross‐contamination.
If you do plan to stop here, seal the plate with Microseal "B" adhesive seal. Store the plate at ‐15° to ‐25°C for up to a week.
It is important to consider library size when preparing samples for cluster generation. Because the clustering process preferentially amplifies shorter libraries in a mixture of fragments, large libraries tend to cluster less efficiently than small libraries. The DNA concentration used for clustering can be adjusted to increase the cluster density of larger libraries. Consider table 1 below:
Library Denaturing and MiSeq Sample Loading
Average Library Size | Conversion Factor | DNA Concentration for Cluster Generation |
250 bp | 1 ng/µL = 6.0 nM | 6 - 12 pM |
500 bp | 1 ng/µL = 3.0 nM | 6 - 12 pM |
1,000 bp - 1,500 bp | 1 ng/µL = 1.5 nM | 6 - 12 pM |
The values presented here are approximations, and exact vallues determined for each experiiment may differ from these guidelines.
Background Quantification of fragment size and concentration to determine library concentration in nM. Illumina recommends quantifying your libraries using a fluorometric quantification method that uses dsDNA binding dyes.
DNA Concentration in nM
After determining the fragment size and concentration of your pooled product, you will calculate the DNA concentration in nM, based on the size of DNA amplicons as determined by an Agilent Technologies 2100 Bioanalyzer trace and concentration by Qubit as follows:
(concentration in ng/µL)(10^6) / (660 g/mol)(average library size) = concentration in nM
For example: (15 ng/µL)(10^6) / (660 g/mol)(500 bp) = 45 nM
Agilent Technologies Agilent D5000 ScreenTape System
This SOP format was adapted from the Agilent D5000 ScreenTape System Quick Guide protocol from Agilent Technologies.
Table 12. TapeStation Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
Sample Buffer | 10 µL per sample | 2° to 8°C |
D5000 Ladder | 1 µL | 2° to 8°C |
ScreenTape | Holds 16 samples per tape | 2° to 8°C |
Prepare TapeStation System D5000
Launch the 4150 TapeStation Controller Software.
Load single D5000 ScreenTape device and loading tips into the 4150 TapeStation instrument.
Procedure: Determine fragment size
Sample Preparation D5000 ScreenTape Assay
Allow reagents to reach equilibrium at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Vortex mix before use.
Prepare ladder by mixing 2 µL D5000 Sample Buffer (green lid) with 2 µL D5000 Ladder (yellow lid) in a tube strip.
Prepare sample by mixing 10 µL D5000 Sample Buffer (green lid) with 1 µL DNA sample in different tube strips.
Spin down, then vortex using IKA vortexer and adaptor at 2000 rpm for 1 minute.
Spin down to position the sample at the bottom of the tube.
Sample Fragment Size Analysis
Load samples into the 4150 TapeStation instrument.
Select the required samples on the 4150 TapeStation Controller Software.
Click Start and specify a filename with which to save your results.
If you do not plan to proceed to Part II Qubit Flurometer 3.0 dsDNA HS Assay, leave your sample in 4°C for maximum of a week.
Qubit Fluorometer 3.0 dsDNA HS Assay
This SOP format was adapted from the Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kits protocol from Life Technologies.
Table 13. Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer | 199 µL per sample for working solution | Room temperature |
Qubit dsDNA HS Reagent | 1 µL per 199 µL of HS Buffer | Room temperature |
Standard #1 | 10 µL per use | 2° to 8°C |
Standard #2 | 10 µL per use | 2° to 8°C |
Qubit™ Assay Tubes | 1 per sample and 1 for each ladder | Room temperature |
Before you begin
The final volume in each tube must be 200 µL.
Each standard tube requires 190 µL of Qubit working solution + 10 µL of the standard.
Each sample tube requires anywhere from 180–199 µL + the corresponding volume to complete the necessary 200 µL.
Careful pipetting is critical to ensure that the exact volume is added to the working solution—work SLOWLY.
Be sure to use a clean plastic tube each time you prepare Qubit working solution. Do not mix the working solution in a glass container.
Procedure: Determine library concentration
Standard and Sample Preparation
Label the tube lids. Do not label the side of the tube as this could interfere with the sample read.
Prepare sufficient Qubit working solution to accommodate all standards and samples by diluting the Qubit dsDNA HS Reagent 1:200 in Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer. 1 µL Qubit dsDNA HS Reagent + 199 µL Qubit dsDNA HS Buffer. For example, for 8 samples, prepare enough working solution for the samples and two standards: ~200 µL per tube in 10 tubes yields 2 mL of working solution (10 µL of Qubit reagent plus 1990 µL of Qubit buffer).
Prepare the standards by adding 190 µL of Qubit working solution to each of the tubes used for standards. Add 10 µL of each Qubit standard to the appropriate tube, then mix by vortexing 2–3 seconds. Be careful not to create bubbles.
Prepare the samples by adding Qubit working solution to individual assay tubes so that the final volume in each tube after adding the sample is 200 µL.
Add each sample to the assay tubes containing the correct volume of Qubit working solution, then mix by vortexing 2–3 seconds. The final volume in each tube should be 200 µL.
Allow all tubes to incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes.
Table 13: Sample and Quibit Working Solution
Working Solution Volume | 199 µL | 195 µL | 190 µL | 185 µL | 180 µL |
Sample Volume | 1 µL | 5 µL | 10 µL | 15 µL | 20 µL |
Standard and Sample Reading
Insert the tube containing Standard #1 into the sample chamber, close the lid, and then press Read standard. When the reading is complete (~3 seconds), remove Standard #1.
Insert the tube containing Standard #2 into the sample chamber, close the lid, and then press Read standard. When the reading is complete, remove Standard #2.
Press Run samples.
On the assay screen, select the sample volume and units using the + or – buttons on the wheel to select the sample volume added to the assay tube (from 1–20 µL).
From the dropdown menu, select the units for the output sample concentration (ng/µL).
Insert a sample tube into the sample chamber, close the lid, and press Read tube. When the reading is complete (~3 seconds), remove the sample tube and repeat until all samples have been read.
Dilute concentrated final library using Resuspension Buffer (RSB) or fresh 10 mM Tris pH 8.5 to 4 nM.
For example: Given a calculated concentration of 45nM, use (C1)(V1) = (C2)(V2) to calculate how much RSB and sample to mix to create a 4nM concentration:
45nM(V1) = 4nM(20 µL) V1 = 1.78 µL of sample + 18.22 µL of RSB = 20ul of a 4nM concentration
If you do not plan to proceed to Library Denaturing and MiSeq Sample Loading, leave your sample in 4°C for a maximum of one week.
In preparation for cluster generation and sequencing, pooled libraries are denatured with NaOH, diluted with hybridization buffer, and then heat denatured before MiSeq sequencing. Each run must include a minimum of 5% PhiX to serve as an internal control for these low-diversity libraries. Illumina recommends using MiSeq v2 reagent kits for improved run metrics.
Table 14. Library Denaturing and Miseq Sample Loading Consumables
Item | Quantity | Storage |
RSB (Resuspension Buffer) | 6 µL | -15° to -25°C |
HT1 (Hybridization Buffer) | 1540 µL | -15° to -25°C |
0.2 N NaOH (less than a week old) | 10 µL | Room temperature |
200 mM Tris-HCl pH7.0 | 5 µL | Room temperature |
PhiX Control Kit v3 (FC‐110‐3001) | 2 µL | -15° to -25°C |
MiSeq v2 reagent cartridge | 1 cartridge | -15° to -25°C |
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes (screw cap recommended) | 3 tubes | |
2.5 L ice bucket |
Begin thawing the reagent cartridge and HT1 before denaturing and diluting libraries by placing them in a room temperature water bath for about an hour.
Once thawed, store the cartridge and HT1 in the ice bucket until ready for sample loading.
Obtain an ice bucket for your thawed cartridge, freshly made reagents, and sample.
Check pH of the stock 1.0N NaOH and the resulting 0.2N NaOH dilution using pH reader.
Using a 1000 µL pipette, measure out 800 µL of laboratory-grade water.
In a separate microcentrifuge tube, measure 200 µL of stock 1.0N NaOH.
Combine the two volumes and then invert several times to mix.
NOTE: This results in a 1 mL of 0.2N NaOH solution; the resulting solution cannot be stored and must be used within 6 hours.
NOTE: The final concentration of NaOH cannot exceed 0.001 (1 mM). Higher NaOH concentrations will inhibit library hybridization to the flow cell and result in very low cluster density.
Denature DNA
Combine the 4nM pooled library (5 µL) and 0.2N NaOH (5 µL) in a microcentrifuge tube:
Set aside the remaining dilution of 0.2 N NaOH to prepare a PhiX control within the next 12 hours.
Vortex briefly to mix the sample solution, and then centrifuge the sample solution at 280 × g (or about 1500rpm) at 20°C for 1 minute.
Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature to denature the DNA into single strands.
To the 10 µL of denatured library, add 5 µL of 200 mM Tris-HCl pH7.0 to neutralize the NaOH.
Add pre-chilled HT1 (985 µL) to the denatured DNA + Tris-HCl (15 µL). Adding the HT1 results in a 20 pM denatured library in 1 mM NaOH.
Place the denatured DNA on ice until you are ready to proceed to final dilution.
Quick Review/Guide for denaturing 4nM library |
Step 1 |
5 µL of 4 nM library + 5 µL of 0.2N NaOH + 5 µL of 200 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
= |
15 µL of 1.30 nM library 0.067N NaOH + 66.7 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
Step 2 |
Add 985 µL of chilled HT1 |
= |
1 mL of 0.001N NaOH and 20 pM denatured library + 1 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
NOTE: If you have to start with a lower concentration library, follow the below protocol for denaturing a 2nM library.
Quick Review/Guide for denaturing 2nM library |
Step 1 |
5 µL of 2 nM library + 5 µL of 0.2N NaOH + 5 µL of 200 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
= |
15 µL of 0.67 nM library 0.067N NaOH + 66.7 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
Step 2 |
Add 985 µL of chilled HT1 |
= |
1 mL of 0.0005N NaOH and 10pM denatured library + 1 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.0 |
Dilution chart for 10pM library:
Final Concentration | 6pM | 8pM | 10pM |
10pM denatured library | 360 µL | 480 µL | 600 µL |
Pre-chilled HTI | 240 µL | 120 µL | 0 µL |
Dilute Denatured DNA
Dilute the denatured DNA to the desired concentration using the following example:
Invert several times to mix and then pulse centrifuge the DNA solution.
Place the denatured and diluted DNA on ice.
Denature and Dilute of PhiX Control
Use the following instructions to denature and dilute the 10 nM PhiX library to the same loading concentration as the Amplicon library. The final library mixture must contain at least 5% PhiX.
Combine 10 nM PhiX library (2 µL) and RSB (3 µL) to dilute the PhiX library to 4 nM:
Combine 4 nM PhiX library (5 µL) and 0.2 N NaOH (5 µL) of 4 nM PhiX and 0.2 N NaOH in a microcentrifuge tube.
Vortex briefly to mix the 2 nM PhiX library solution.
Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature to denature the PhiX library into single strands.
To the 10 µL of denatured library, add 5 µL of 200 mM Tris-HCl pH7.0 to neutralize the NaOH.
Add denatured PhiX library (15 µL) and Pre‐chilled HT1 (985 µL) to make a 20 pM PhiX library:
Dilute the denatured 20 pM PhiX library to the same loading concentration as the Amplicon library as shown in Table 14a below.
Invert several times to mix and then pulse centrifuge the DNA solution.
Place the denatured and diluted PhiX on ice.
Table 14a: Clustering Library Table
Final Concentration | 2pM | 4pM | 6 pM | 8 pM |
10pM denatured library | 60 µL | 120 µL | 180 µL | 240 µL |
Pre-chilled HTI | 540 µL | 480 µL | 420 µL | 360 µL |
Table 14b: Clustering Library Table continued
Final Concentration | 10pM | 12pM | 15pM | 20pM |
10pM denatured library | 300 µL | 360 µL | 450 µL | 600 µL |
Pre-chilled HTI | 300 µL | 240 µL | 150 µL | 0 µL |
Combine Amplicon Library and PhiX Control
Combine denatured and diluted PhiX control (30 µL) and denatured and diluted amplicon library (570 µL). This will result in a 5% PhiX spike-in.
Set the combined sample library and PhiX control aside on ice until you are ready to load the mixture into the MiSeq v2 reagent cartridge.
Invert the tube 1–2 times to mix and load all 600ul into the designated well in the cartridge.
The protocols described in this guide assume that you are familiar with the contents of this section and have obtained all of the requisite equipment and consumables.
Table 15. Definitions and Acronyms
Acronym | Definition |
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction- a technique used to amplify 1 to a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a single DNA strand |
Primer | A strand of short nucleic acid sequences that serves as a starting point for DNA synthesis during PCR |
Amplicon | A piece of amplified DNA that is the product of a PCR reaction |
Each sample processed during library preparation will be identified post-sequencing by the unique index that is molecularly attached to that sample during the Amplification of Tagmented DNA (Library Indexing) steps. The indexes used in this protocol are the IDT for Illumina DNA/RNA UD Indexes and for each sequence of the 384 indexes there is a Kit Definition File and Sample Sheet File available.
The PCR process is commonly used in the laboratory to amplify specific DNA sequences. Unless proper laboratory hygiene is used, PCR products can contaminate reagents, instrumentation, and genomic DNA samples, causing inaccurate and unreliable results. PCR product contamination can shut down lab processes and significantly delay normal operations.
Make sure that the lab is set up appropriately to reduce the risk of PCR product contamination:
Because the pre‐ and post‐amplification reagents are shipped together, it is important to unpack the reagents in the pre‐PCR lab area. After unpacking the reagents, move the post-amplification reagents to the proper post‐PCR storage area.
Pre‐PCR and Post‐PCR Lab Procedures
To prevent PCR product contamination, it is important to establish lab procedures and follow best practices. Illumina recommends daily and weekly cleaning of lab areas using 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach).
CAUTION: To prevent sample or reagent degradation, make sure that all vapors from the cleaning solution have fully dissipated before beginning any processes.
Daily Cleaning of Pre‐PCR Area
A daily cleaning of the pre‐PCR area using a 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach) solution helps to eliminate PCR product that has entered the pre‐PCR area. Identify pre‐PCR areas that pose the highest risk of contamination, and clean these areas with a 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach) solution before beginning any pre‐PCR processes. High‐risk areas might include, but are not limited to, the following items:
Daily Cleaning of Post‐PCR Area
Reducing the amount of PCR product in the post‐PCR area helps reduce the risk of contamination in the pre‐PCR area. Daily cleaning of the post‐PCR area using a 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach) solution helps reduce the risk of contamination. Identify post‐PCR areas that pose the highest risk of contamination, and clean these areas with a 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach) solution daily. High‐risk areas might include, but are not limited to, the following items:
Weekly Cleaning of All Lab Areas
One time a week, perform a thorough cleaning of the pre‐PCR and post‐PCR areas using 0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (10% Bleach).
Items Fallen to the Floor
The floor is contaminated with PCR product transferred on the shoes of individuals coming from the post‐PCR area; therefore, anything falling to the floor must be treated as contaminated.
When preparing libraries for sequencing, always adhere to good molecular biology practices. Read through the entire protocol before starting to make sure that all of the required materials are available and your equipment is programmed and ready to use.
Handling Liquids
Good liquid handling measures are essential, particularly when quantifying libraries or diluting concentrated libraries for making clusters.
Handling Magnetic Beads
NOTE: Cleanup procedures have only been validated using the 96‐well plates and the magnetic stand specified in Tables 1 and 2. Comparable performance is not guaranteed when using a microcentrifuge tube or other formats, or other magnets.
Avoiding Cross‐Contamination Practice the following to avoid cross‐contamination:
Potential DNA Contaminants
When handling and processing samples using this protocol, use best practices to avoid PCR contamination, as you would when preparing PCR amplicons.
Temperature Considerations
Temperature is an important consideration for making libraries: